Chapter Twenty One

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Michael's POV

I was seething. Hatch has already done so many awful things. He kidnapped my mother and girlfriend. Practically bombed Jack's house. Had Taylor's mom arrested, stuffed tiny lightning bolts into the bodies of babies. Do I really need to say more? Now he's setting up his monster base in my house?!? Why? He's got a great crib in Pasadena already. High tech security, all the funds he could want, science labs. The works. If I ever see him again it'll be too soon.

I took my crutches and limped over to the Big House, where Chiron was holding a Counselor meeting. These things were seriously annoying. Like, Leo annoying. I couldn't run, jog, or even walk properly. Ugh. I walked into the Council Room to Leo and Percy playing ping-pong and the rest of them stuffing their faces with cheese. You know, with the exception of Clarisse doing her best to stick her spear into the Stoll Brothers. Chiron cleared his throat for attention. Percy waved him off, "Start without us, Chiron. I've got a game to win." Chiron smiled grimly, nodding. "Alright. With Michael injured, I know the Electroclan has been a bit," he hesitated for a second, trying to find the right word, "Discouraged. But fear not. I have a mission to get your mind off of it. We will be sending Percy, Piper, Taylor, Ostin, Hazel, Michael, and Jack to-" He was cut off by a collective gasp as the ping-pong ball lit on fire, heading straight for Percy. He just smiled. "So you wanna play hardball, huh? Bring it on, Valdez." He spiked the ball right back at him. With a dull thud, it cracked open, the shell of the ball melted and revealing a sparking black chip inside of it. Quentin picked it up, gritting his teeth from the sheer heat and electricity meeting his skin. "A bug," he gasped, his eyes narrowing for a split second, "Someone's been spying on us. Don't worry. I shut it down." Percy's eyes were more ablaze than the ping pong ball was just a second ago. "Braydon. Who knows how much he's heard by now?" The muttering soon escalated to a heated conversation. Chiron yelled, "Enough!" The Head Counselors fell quiet. I hadn't been here for long, but I knew that Chiron rarely raised his voice, and when he did, you'd better listen. "We have not discussed any major plans. As the Fates would have it, I was just about to disclose our quest." Quentin blinked. "Any other devices in the camp have just been shut down. But there shouldn't be much, right? Just a couple of emergency phones and such." Chiron nodded, "Anyways, the Amazons have just reported monster sightings at Meridian, Idaho. More than usual. Also, none of the opposing forces have left the apartment so far. Thus, I have decided that the best way to plant our own spies will be to have seven of you attend Meridian High. Percy, Piper, Michael, Taylor, Jack, Hazel, and Ostin? You're going to school."

My eyes widened. I hadn't been there in more than a year. I was just getting popular when I left. Looking back, I realize how little worries I'd had back then compared to now. The worst I could've done was shock a kid, fail a test, or make a fool out of myself in front of Taylor. And now I was facing Tartarus and saving the world. Let me just tell you, the change of scenery is not refreshing. Nevertheless, I took Taylor's hand and sighed.

"When do we leave?"

Time Skip to Meridian High two days later. Definitely not enough time to prepare these guys for the torture that is high school.

Percy's POV

High school. In Idaho. I never paid much attention to geography, or any subject for that matter, but wasn't Idaho that place that grew potatoes? I do like potatoes. Okay, I'm getting a little side-tracked.

The Amazons have gotten us an apartment a couple streets away from Hatch's. It was a little smaller than I would've hoped. There were seven of us and only three beds if you don't count the couch. I put my hands behind my head, "Alright. The girls can each have a bed, and Michael can take the couch since he's injured." I grinned at Jack and Ostin, "We're bunking on the floor, bros." I looked at my watch. 7:30. "So, uh, when does your school start?" Michael raised an eyebrow at me, "7:45. Why?" I raised my eyebrow back at him, "How long does it take to get there from here?" He shrugged, "I don't know, twenty minutes if we walk." I nodded, "Cool. Cool. It's 7:30. Can we ditch?" They all got a panicked look in their eyes and practically leaped out the door. Well, except Michael. He hobbled with a frustrated look on his face. The poor guy with the injury. I'll take them running out the door as a no.

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