Chapter Twenty Six

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Sorry I'm late with this update. The basketball season was picking up, I had a bunch of schoolwork, and of course you can't forget winter break. *Cue other lame author excuses* Anyways, I just want to thank you guys for reading/voting/commenting during winter break and staying with me for the weeks on end that I hadn't updated.

I'm also thinking about renaming this story "Shockwave". You know, because Michael Vey is electric and Percy Jackson is water? Also because "Percy Jackson Meets the Electroclan" is a kind of boring story title. Tell me what you think, then I'll decide.

To the long awaited story!

Percy's POV

Preparations were going great. The pit was dug, the fakeout trap was made, and Leo had already braced the Camp from the forest. Some shovel-crazy camper even dug random holes in front of the trench to trap mortals in. Michael was off of his crutches and for the most part, the Electroclan was in great condition seeing as they had only recently been attacked by living, flying curses. Everyone was training hard, and the hunters spent their time beating up male campers. So all in all, everything was as it should be.

It was already early May and the battle would be starting within a month. We still didn't have Annabeth but Leo's been experimenting with his TV Show-Inspired net. Granted, it hasn't been going very well and we had nothing to test on, but we can put that aside for now.

There was one line in the prophecy that was still a mystery to me. What in Poseidon's Underpants did during which time the sky will fall mean? Whatever it was, I sure hoped that Atlas wouldn't drop the sky on all of us. That would not be good. I guess it would be best to deal with this as it came. No use worrying that Atlas would crush the entire world into a little grease spot just to please Tartarus.

I was still worried about Annabeth. It might have seemed that she was cheating on me and turning my home against me, but she was really the victim. Ever since I imagined that message from her, I'd been more upbeat, as if she was still here with me. Call me crazy, but it was the only thing keeping me going right now. That, and protecting my home and my friends. Oh, and blue food. But other than that, Annabeth was the only thing keeping me going right now.

At the moment, Piper and I were on the beach, probably the only two in the whole camp who weren't doing anything particularly productive. But we were also the ones who had suffered the most through this war. If you didn't count the Electroclan, that is. They've been fighting from the beginning and we only just heard of it.

Piper sighed, "Do you ever wonder what you and Annabeth would have been like if she didn't have a spirit inside of her?" I leaned back, propped up on my elbows. "Of course," I said, "We thought we were going to settle down in New Rome. Start a family. Live until we were super ancient. Like ninety." Piper let out a small chuckle. "Do you ever wonder what would have happened with you and Jason?" Piper leaned back as well, mirroring my position. "Sure. I really loved him. Now I just don't know. He's not like he used to be, you know? He's not my blonde Superman anymore." I closed my eyes, "Our lives really are messed up, aren't they?" The daughter of Aphrodite sighed again, suddenly sounding extremely tired. "Of that, there was never any doubt."

Something had been bugging me for a while about Annabeth. "How did it feel, seeing her again? Her real self, I mean." I opened my eyes and saw Piper sit up, hugging her knees to her chest. "Like you have a platter of blue cookies on the table but you're not allowed to eat them," she replied in a lame attempt to lighten the mood. "I don't know," she admitted, getting serious, "However people feel when their best friend is being possessed and they push you away to protect you." I heard her voice crack as she spoke and saw her eyes getting misty.

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