Chapter Twenty Nine

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Percy's POV

I was disoriented. I could hear the sounds of the battle around me, but each clang of a sword sent a ringing through my head and every gunshot was like taking a bullet. I watched Annabeth through bleary eyes, how her golden eyes flashed dangerously and her drakon bone sword swinging loosely in her hand. Riptide would be back in my pocket by now, and she knew that. We were far from any sources of water and I was way too drained to use my powers.

That hilt to the head had not done me good. As I stood, I swayed on my feet as if I was drunk. I lurched to my left and nearly impaled myself on the spear of a dracaena. The ranks that surrounded me burst into horrendous peals of laughter and my vision went fuzzy as the noise blasted through my ears.

"Get the kid a water!" Annabeth barked. Annabeth seemed to want to defeat me fair and square. It gave me hope that she was still fighting against Kronos, just as Luke had. A pail of ice water was dunked on my head and suddenly, I was alright. I straightened myself out and uncapped Riptide. Nervousness rippled through our audience and a crash sent many of them sprawling. Leo had launched a rock into the mass of monsters and was proceeding to launch more everywhere else.

"Leo, be careful!" I heard Piper scream.


"Chillax, Beauty Queen!" He yelled back.




"Watch it!" I heard Clarisse bellow as one landed dangerously close to where she was fighting an enemy demigod.



Annabeth cocked her head in Leo's direction. "Deal with him," she ordered, "I've got Jackson." A large squad of monsters broke free of the mob and charged toward the son of Hephaestus, who yelped and ran off, supposedly to get reinforcements or just avoid another death.

Thunder boomed overhead. The storm was dangerously close now. I saw Zeus unconscious on the ground. Someone needed to get him to safety, but everyone was occupied. I would have to finish this battle quickly.

"Bring it on, Chase. Just because I've never beat you doesn't mean I can't," I taunted her, hoping to start the battle before Zeus was killed. "Such bravado. How misled can your Seaweed-filled Brain get? I hope you enjoy the Underworld, Perseus Jackson." Half way through her sentence, she had swung toward me, but I was expecting it.

I tapped my watch and my shield spun into shape. Her sword clanged against my shield with so much force it left a dent. "Aw, man!" I cried, "Tyson's gonna need to repair it again." Annabeth didn't wait for me to stop complaining. Her sword was a blur, going in for quick slices against my arms and trying to rip through my armor.

I could barely get Riptide around fast enough to block all of the attacks. I backed away, sweat pouring down my face and stinging the wounds that Annabeth had given me. The titan/daughter of Athena only had one scrape, and not even on her flesh. There was a gouge carved diagonally across her chestplate that only seemed to make her more menacing, as if her maniacal grin and sharp golden eyes weren't enough.

I saw Leo running back out of the corner of my eye and suddenly, a drop of water hit my arm. I had no time to keep worrying about him as Annabeth's sword whipped toward my face. My shield came up and protected me, but could not take the massive power of the blow. It crumpled inward on my arm and I was sent sprawling.
My arm was a bloody mess and the bone was probably fractured. That was how much power Kronos had, especially inhabiting Annabeth. She started toward me, and it started to pour. Zeus was still out there. I needed to get up. I needed to save him.

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