Chapter Eleven

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Percy's POV

I shoved my face into my hands. Why do you need to make people touch the computer? Ugh. Now I have to go outside and fight a monster army. Life is so hard. I turned to the Electroclan.

"Just stay inside," I whined, "Don't come out no matter what happens. This is a demigod problem." They nodded obediently and I took out Riptide. I turned back to them, "You can watch out the window or something. Just so you know, this is what happens when you make Percys touch the computer." I walked out the door, whistling. 

A cloud of dust was moving toward me in on the desert. I knew they were monsters. Two of them were ahead of the rest. I grinned, "Hey! It's Kelli and Bullface! How are you two doing? Long time no see!" Kelli bared her fangs at me, "You are going to pay, Perseus. Three times in the last couple of years is totes lame." She charged latched onto my neck, so I slashed upwards with Riptide, turning her to dust as the Minotaur roared. I held my arms out, "Bro! Are those new tighty whities?" The Minotaur took off running at me. This guy never learns. I grabbed onto his horns like I did the first time I met him. He struggled and I released a wave of fire into him, watching him disintegrate.  

Empousai came at me a dozen at a time. Every time I killed one more took their place. I slashed and rolled and suddenly I had an idea. I focused and the ground split open. An army of Greek undead surged out of the crevice. "Greeks!" I shouted, "Let's fight stuff!" It was a massacre. The snake people didn't stand a chance. I was standing in the middle of piles of gold dust, grinning like a maniac. The skeletons had retreated back into the ground. 

I yelled, "Anyone else? I'm just getting warmed up!" Suddenly a trio of feminine voices rang out behind me. "You know what, girls? I think I should take him up on that offer," said the first voice. "I could go for a Percy-kabob right now," agreed the second one. "I'll just wait here for those slow poke boys. You two go ahead," the third one yelled. Oh no. They found me. I'm a goner.

I turned around, "Come on, girls. Isn't there a diplomatic solution?" The first voice scoffed, "Since when have you ever been diplomatic?" I gulped, "You know, when I don't want to die." I turned and ran through the door to the ranch. I was breathing hard, not from exertion but from fear for my life. I haven't felt this way since Tartarus.

Abigail looked worried, "Who are those girls?" I shook my head, "You guys don't need to worry about them. It's me they want." Jack took out the knife Gervaso gave him, "We can help you fight them off, Perce!" I smiled weakly, "Nah, that's okay. I'm gonna have to face them sooner or later. You guys can come out with me, though." Michael nodded, "Alright, Electroclan. Let's go see what kind of monsters are out there." Little do they know, the three biggest threats to my existence aren't actually monsters. 

They're Piper, Calypso, and Hazel. 

Oh, well, you know, Frank, Leo, and Nico are here, too, but they're definitely not as terrifying. Not even close.

I walked out, my new friends in a single file line behind me, like we're on a grade school field trip or something. I waved at the group of six people here to kill me. Frank whispered quietly, "Percy, I'd tell you to run for your life, but I kind of want to beat you up right now." Leo nodded in agreement, "Same." "Not me," Nico said, shaking his head, "I'm gonna send you to my dad, Aquaman." I snickered, "It's good to see you, Death Breath. But I'm not too worried about you guys. It's the Furious Three that I'm scared of." The said Furious Three advanced solemnly.

Jack started forward, "Hey! You don't get to hurt Percy." Ian stepped forward, "Yeah! What he said." Ostin stuttered, "Statistics show that everyone is sadder without Percy." I looked over my shoulder at them, "Aww, that's nice. But I'm pretty sure they'll only maim me. Don't worry about it." Tessa and McKenna paled. It's fun teasing the Electroclan. They don't get hurt nearly as much as demigods.

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