Chapter Thirteen

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Percy's POV

We've finally reached the Hatch Islands. I'm not too thrilled about landing on an evil island named after my dad, but hey, a demigod's gotta do what a demigod's being dragged into by a dozen teenagers. 

Now that we're here, I'm not too sure of what the plan was. Are we supposed to be above or below deck? This is usually the part of the plan where Annabeth reminds me what to do, but you can see why that won't work. "Yo, Michael," I call to him, "What're we doing now?" Michael jogged over with Taylor, a slight look of surprise crossing his face. "Me and my Electroclan will get recognized if we get any closer, so you and your demigods will take over the top deck. After that, you and Nico will shadow travel us to Hades." I interrupt him, "That sounds strange." Michael rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he said, shaking his head, "You'll take Taylor, Nichelle, Piper, Ian and I to the prisons. You'll be transportation and defense, the Glows know Taylor and she can take out any guards without really hurting them. Ian will tell us who's coming and where they are. I'll try my best to convince them and if that fails, Piper can charmspeak them because we will not leave without them unless absolutely necessary. Nichelle is coming to make sure that they don't try to kill us. That's about it. The rest of the Electroclan and demigods will tend the ship." 

I fingered my chin, "Do you think it's strange how I'm the one blessed to be a strategizer but you guys are the ones strategizing?" Taylor punched my arm lightly, looking at me with mock disappointment, "You're not pulling your weight, Perce! We should make you do more." I bowed my head, "Yeah. Make me do more than save your lives, jump off a cliff, give you a ride to the Hatch Islands and take a bullet. Yeah. I should do more." We laughed and the boat passed the guards. The Electroclan hurried below deck while the demigods totally took up the top.

"Identification?" The guard asked. I started speaking in Greek, "I'm Percy Jackson, a trader from Greece here to drop off some Greek pastries at the request of the Tuvulan King." The guard growled, "English, you buffoon." I cleared my throat, bowing my head. "I'm Peter Johnson, a trader from Greece. The Tuvulan King requested some pastries. Our stock is below deck." The guard held out his hand, "Identification, sir." I called back over my shoulder, "Piper! Get our identification!" Piper nodded and walked up to the guard. "We don't need identification," she said, charmspeak lacing her voice, "We are free to dock in Poseidon." The guard nodded, his eyes glazed over. "Here's your docking papers. No one will question your stay here." I nodded my thanks.

As our ship passed, I looked at Piper, my eyebrow raised, "Was that Star Wars?" Piper grinned and shrugged, "Hey, when you grow up with a movie star dad,  you pick up a couple things. You're lucky I'm not quoting King of Sparta." I called, "Fai! Take the controls." Frank walked over, grumbling, "I don't know how to steer and only my grandma can call me Fai." I smiled, "Don't worry about it. The boat's gonna dock soon. I'll keep it going. Just keep your hands on the wheel."

Me and Piper leaned over the rail, looking out over the clear blue water. It's so different from the East and Hudson river, sparkling and bright rather than murky and dark. I made conversation, "What's it like in the Aphrodite Cabin? I mean, the girls are crushing on your dad. There's gotta be a million posters of him." Piper laughed. "You know what's even weirder?" she asked, still chuckling, "There are pictures of you in there." I gave her an unbelieving look. Every time I go in there for inspection, it's mostly Piper's dad, Adam Levine, and a bunch of other people I don't know. It's hard to believe that I'm up there somewhere. Although, I don't stay there long. It reeks of perfume and is way too pink for my taste. "Oh really?" I questioned, "How do I look? Too handsome to look at?" Piper shoved me lightly, "Nah. It's mostly you coming out of the lake with your shirt off, you in the arena with your shirt off, you on the beach with your shirt off. Stuff like that. They've got more pictures of you than every other celebrity combined. They pay the Hermes Cabin quite a price for pictures of you." I felt my face turn as red as the strawberries at Camp. Then I shook my head. "Well, duh," I said, "Every time I catch them, they have to face me in the arena." Piper shivered good-naturedly.

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