Flashback Part 3 - The Normal Days

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“You can’t just cancel your entire life. We’ll figure it out.” Stiles was saying to Scott as I approached our lunch table.

“What are you cancelling?” I asked, sitting down next to Stiles and across from Scott.

“Oh, umm, I…”

“He was going to cancel his date with Allison.” Stiles finished for Scott who couldn’t seem to form a sentence.

“What? No, you can’t do that and why would you want to? Are you nervous?”

“Yeah! That’s what it is!” Stiles said a little too quickly and then glared to Scott.

“Umm, yeah… I’m nervous.”

“Okay, you two are acting strange. You have been since the start of school. What’s going on?”

“Nothing. Nothing’s going on. It’s just Scott has a girlfriend and it’s kind of a new area for us… so…”

“That’s the worst response I’ve ever heard in my life, Stiles. Oh crap.”

“What?” Scott asked.

“Lydia and Jackson’s clique are about to sit with us.” I finished saying just as they all sat down. Thankfully Danny sat next to me. He was probably the only person I was friends with in that group. I looked at him with confusion.

“What?” he said.

I decided to whisper not wanting Jackson or Lydia to hear. “Since when do you guys sit with us? Not that I don’t like you, just…” I gestured to everyone else in his group.

“Lydia’s idea. Now that Allison and Scott are dating, if you could call it that, she wants to get to know you guys I think.”

“Oh good, well she already knows me, being Jackson’s neighbour and all so I’m gunna go.” Danny chuckled.

“Alright, I’ll save you a seat in history.” He said. We were both in a different history class to everyone else which is why I was friends with him.

I started to get up, but felt a very tight grip around my arm. Turning to the left I was met by Stiles’ big light brown eyes that reminded me of chocolate. “Where are you going? Don’t leave me.” He whispered. “I don’t know what to do around these people.”

“Smile and say hi.” I said before giving him a quick friendly kiss on the cheek and leaving. As I was walking away I saw Stiles turn to Danny, smile and say “Hi.” I couldn’t help the chuckle that came out of my mouth.


School was finally over for the day. I grabbed my bag and started down the corridor at a very rapid pace, wanting to get out as fast as possible. But I of course me being my clumsy self, tripped and slammed straight into a tall figure and crashed to the ground.

“Ow.” I muttered.

“Oh my god, Anna are you okay? I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

“It’s fine, Isaac, it was probably my fault anyway.” He grabbed my bag and helped me back up.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, yeah, 100%. Are you going home now? If you are I could give you lift. It’s not exactly out of the way.”

“Yeah, that’d be great, I walked this morning anyway.”

We started heading out to the car park, “You know you can just rock up on my doorstep in the morning if you don’t want to walk or ride your bike.”

“I might take you up on that.” He said as he got in the passenger’s side. I opened my car door and was about to get in when I saw Matt a few cars down. He smiled and said “Hey.” Of course I couldn’t hear him, but I knew what he said. I smiled back and waved before getting in the car.

I’d been meaning to catch up with him, but I just never knew what to say. We dated for just over 9 months and during that time I didn’t have a crush on Stiles. I did before and I do again now, but not those 9 months, so when we were together there were no complications or jealous outbursts. We used to have the best time together, basically doing nothing just going to movies and dinner and we even played paint ball once, but then when my dad moved away it all went to hell. I needed space and he understood that, but it’s almost been a year now.

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