Chapter 39 - The Rain Stopped

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I was only out for a few minutes, but when I came to I saw Stiles unconscious with a gash to his head. I had already healed and I could see the blood spot where I had slammed into the window… and of course the window itself was broken. All it would take was one light poke and the entire glass frame would shatter.

“Stiles!” I screamed. I got out of the car and ran to his side, opening the door. “Stiles, come on.” I dragged him out of the wreckage. “STILES!” I screamed, again and again and again.

His eyes fluttered open and he blinked a few times before focussing on me.


“Yeah, it’s me.” I said as letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding in. “Come on. Can you stand?”

“Yeah, I think so.” He got up and was a little wobbly at first, but he steadied himself and pushed on. “Come on, we don’t have any time left.” He started running. Every instinct in my body told me to grab him and lock him in the car to rest while I went and found them, but surprisingly he didn’t look all that bad. I ran after him. “Can you catch their scent?” he asked.

“No, but… I think I can hear something.”


“A transmitter. One of Argent’s, like the ones we used to lure Boyd and Cora into the school. He must have had one on him when she took him.”

“Where is it coming from?” he yelled over the wind.

“This way.” I ran through the woods with Stiles on my heels, following the sound. It didn’t take long before we stumbled across a familiar giant size tree stump.

The ground had started to cave in around it.

“There’s a hole here.” Stiles yelled. I saw what he was pointing at and jumped into the ground.

My dad, Stiles’ dad, Scott’s mum, Allison’s dad, Isaac and Allison were all there, holding up a plank of wood that was about to fall and crush them all. It was the only thing holding the place up anymore.

“Stiles!” I yelled and he jumped in after me. He ran straight to the plank and helped hold it up. I followed.

I took the weight off all of them so they could get out, werewolf strength, gotta love it. My dad on the other hand looked like a ghost. I felt stronger than I have ever felt, I wasn’t sure if I was imagining it or if I was stronger because I knew I had to be.

“Stiles, find something to hold it up, so I can get out.” He reached behind him and found a thick piece of wood and placed it under the plank I was holding. “Okay, now get out. I’m going to let go and run, but I want you out first, okay?” he looked panicked, but nodded and ran.

Once I saw him leave, I released my grip and bolted. I only just made it out before the piece of wood broke and the rest of the cellar crashed around the Nemeton. I never had the chance to process what happened before my dad ran up and engulfed me in a hug.

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” he said, turning to serious father mode as soon as he let go. “The entire time I’ve been back, you’ve been a freaking werewolf?” he yelled. I looked over to Melissa.

“We filled them in.” she said, nodding to the Sheriff who was hugging Stiles.

“Well, it’s not something one brings up over pizza, dad.” He stared at me then… laughed. I looked at Isaac and he shrugged. I shook my head. “Okay, come on, we have to get out of here.”

As we started to head towards the road Isaac pulled me aside. “What the hell was that? It’s the lunar eclipse. I couldn’t hold the damn thing up and you come along and lift it up with one hand? I can’t transform, can you?” I looked at the ground and then back at Isaac with glowing green eyes. His eyes widened in surprise. “It doesn’t affect you.” It wasn’t a question.

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