Chapter 14 - Argh

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“Argh.” Was the only noise I could muster when my alarm went off. Fumbling around my bedside table I desperately tried to find it without lifting my head.

“Anna! Get up and turn your alarm off! It’s a school day!” I heard my dad yell from down the hall. Stupid early morning people. My alarm was then turned off… but not by me. My head snapped up as my heart pounded. There was a dark figure hovering next to my bed. I noise I could hardly call human escaped my mouth as a scrambled backwards and managed to find my way to the floor… back first. I jumped up to have a better look at whoever the hell it was as my eyes started to adjust to the light.


“Are you kidding me?” I whisper yelled, not wanted my dad to hear.

He had a grin plastered on his face, “We really need to work on your morning skills.” He said in the same tone I had given him when I told we had to work on his goodbyes.

“Oh haha, very funny.” I said as I chucked a pillow at him which he caught smoothly. “I thought you’d be with Boyd and Cora.”

“I was, but I went to check on your teacher after last night.” He said as he placed the pillow back down on my bed.

“I’m sorry you did what now?”


“What do you mean what?”

“What?” Oh god this could go on for hours.

I sighed in defeat, “Never mind. Is she okay? Not hurt, bleeding, bruised or you know some other form of injury that you couldn’t have checked last night.” I said quickly.

“Oh I see what’s going on…” Derek made his way around the bed to where I was standing, “You’re jealous.”

“What? No, I’m not. I’m just…”

“Anna, stop.” Derek cut me off and then gave me a quick kiss, “Come on, I’ll take you to school.”

“Fiiine. You know I could skip and then help you out with stuff.” I said trying to give him the sweetest smile I could as I wrapped my arms around his neck and then gave him a long passionate kiss.

“Hmmmm, nice try.” He said after we pulled away just as my phone rang. “Who is it?”

“Isaac.” I replied and then answered the phone, “Why are you ringing me at 6 in the morning?”

“Where are you?” he asked suddenly.

“I repeat – it’s 6am, where do you think I am?”

“You’re meant to be at school, we have practise in like 15 minutes.”

“Isaac, sweetie, I don’t play lacrosse.”

“No, it’s off season, I’m talking about cross-country. Coach put you on the team. Didn’t you see the list?”

“There was a list?”

“Oh dear lord, just get here fast or he’ll make you do extra.” Isaac said before hanging up.

I looked up at a yet again smirking Derek. “Oh, wipe that grin off your face and jump out the window, I’ll be down in five.” I said and then grabbed some clothes out of my cupboard and ran into the bathroom.

Surprisingly… I have no idea how… I managed to get ready and get to school in just under 15 minutes, probably had something to do with Derek’s driving. “Alright, I’ll pick you and Isaac up after school.”

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