Chapter 55

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*The end of the summer*

There comes a day in everyone's lives when you just have to move on or open a new chapter, perhaps start a new beginning.. Today is that day for me.

Summer has gone by at the blink of an eye, we barely did anything.. Just sat around and hung out with friends as much as I could. Nothing too out of the ordinary, nothing too important that you'd miss.

As of now, it's August and I'm about to head out to Philadelphia. Time goes by too quick, but I suppose I'm ready to start out my new life at UPenn.

Everyone's seeing me off at the airport in just a few short hours, I don't particularly know if I could handle it or not.. But it's surely happening. Having to say goodbye to all of their faces is, by far, going to hurt worse than ever leaving the best thing that's ever happened to me.. Los Angeles.

I know, I know.. I'll be back in a matter of months, for holidays and vacations. But it just won't be the same, just visiting doesn't sound right.

I'm sitting here in mine and Jc's room, just staring at everything.. I'm gonna miss his snapbacks hanging on the wall, the lights strung up around the windows, his Vans lying in front of the closet...

Tomorrow, this will just be Jc's room. I will no longer be living here. I never want to leave this place, it seemed like just yesterday we were all in the old apartment talking about moving out into a bigger place and here I am, getting ready to leave..

Goddamnit, I don't want to leave. I buried my head in my hands as I keeled over onto the floor, within seconds Acacia was by my side. The girl that I hated for reasons not known to man was my new best friend that I had aquired over just a few short months. Unbelievable.

She rubbed my back as she whispered in my ear, "It'll all be okay, Bub. It'll all be okay." I'm gonna miss this girl calling me Bub. Our nicknames for each other have varied but Bubby and Bub have stuck for some odd reason. I stared up at her as she hugged me tight, I stood up and looked at the room for one last time before walking down the stairs and wiping my eyes as Acacia followed behind me.

Everyone was waiting to head to the airport, I sighed once again as I stared at all of them, "Okay, let's go." I said as I walked past all of them to get to Ricky's car which was now filled with all the things I had bought within just a few months since everything I owned got ruined in the car accident.

I sat in the passenger seat as everyone slowly got in their cars. There had to have been 5 cars along the roads that everyone owned, just waiting to be driven to LAX.

We drove in silence, no one said a word and I'm sure no one wanted to say anything.

Once we arrived at LAX, everyone piled in the airport as we searched for my terminal. Jc checked all of my bags and shipped a shit load of boxes to Pennsylvania.

I sat in a tiny chair with all my friends surrounding me, just one hour later I'd have to say goodbye.

"We need a picture." Acacia said as she stood up.

"We're all together, we've never been all together and we probably never will again. One last memory." She said as she searched through the one carry-on bag I was bringing, she knew I put my filming camera and mini tripod in there.

She got it out and set it up and minutes later we were all standing next to each other smiling like no ones leaving.

As soon as we got done taking the picture a voice came over the intercom, "Flight 253 to Phildelphia is now boarding."

I stared at everyone as everyone got tears in their eyes, we had one big group hug then I went to each one of them and said my goodbyes.

Jon. Ricky. Jenn. Andrea. Rebecca. Trevor. Sam. Alexa. Caspar. Connor. Troye. Joey. Sawyer. Shane. Lisa. Colleen. Ryan. Orion. Tyler. Sam Pepper. Mazzi. Kian. Jack. Andrew. Anthony. Katie. Richie. Robbie. Acacia.. And lastly, Jc.

It suprised me how many of them showed up, some of them just visiting, some of them that live here and some of them on vacation but they all still managed to show up and send me off.

As I hugged Jc, I cried into his hoodie, "I love you."

"I love you." He said, he walked me over to the gate and handed me my bags. They all waved to me and I watched them all cry at the sight of me leaving. I handed the lady my ticket and she opened the gate for me, the last glimpse of all of them I have is them all turning to hug each other... My vision now is focused on finding my seat.

As soon as I found it, I shoved my things in the overhead cabinet and sat next to the window. I stared at the Hollywood sign in the distance... Goodbye Los Angeles.




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