Chapter 51

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*2 weeks later - Shannon (the nurse's) POV*

After constant worry for the first week after the accident, she finally woke up. Tori Buchanan woke up with her memory and love for everyone.

After getting to know this loving couple over the past two weeks, I've gained such intelligence from them.. Granted their both still teenagers but they speak words of wisdom.

When Tori first woke up, she didn't know where she was or who she was but as soon as Justin hugged her for the first time after the accident she seemed to be okay.. Within 20 minutes, her family and Justin both said she seemed like herself.

Honestly, if I got into an accident like this with my husband.. I would have blamed him for it and I would have resented him for the rest of my life.. But Tori and Justin seem to be okay with each other. Neither of them have talked about it, I suppose their just grateful that they're both still here.

The whole week before she woke up, Justin was telling me that they were fighting the whole time they were on that trip and they had never fought like that before.. But it seems to be that they've already worked it out.

I sat in the corner of the room as they made a video.. I suppose their quite big celebrities on the internet and they've asked me to be in their update video.

"Hey guys, it's Tori and Jc. I know we don't exactly look like ourselves and I'm sure you've heard tons of rumors about us." Tori said.

"But hey, we're alive.. But let us explain what happened before you all make asumptions of what happened." Jc said.

"We were on our way to Houston and we were going through a light, the light was yellow but we thought we could make it but there was an 18 wheeler coming the opposite way that didn't see us. Long story short, we're in the hospital." Tori said, Justin kind of cuckled a bit before continuing off of what Tori said.

"I have a broken leg, a few broken ribs and a broken neck.. Nothing as serious as Tori over here. She has two broken legs, most of her ribs are broken, a broken arm and she had severe head trauma that made her stay unconsious for over a week. She just woke up a week ago and I;m so glad she did." Justin started to tear up as he looked at Tori.

"And we want you guys to meet the best nurse ever, she's taken care of both of us for the past few weeks.. And when we were in the accident, I lost my ring but she found it." Tori said.

"Come over here Shannon." Justin said, I awkwardly walked behind the two. I set my hands on their shoulders as I smiled at the camera.

"Introduce yourself." Justin said.

"What the hell am I supposed to say?" I asked, they both started laughing.

"I'll just say this.. Hi, I'm Shannon." I said as we all smiled at each other. I left to go treat another patient and they finished the video.. When I left the other patients room, Justin and Tori were being taken down to the cafeteria to eat so I went in their room and recorded a little message for them.

"Oh my god, how do you work this.." I mumbled to myself until the lights flashed saying it was on.

"Oh hello. Um, I just wanted to say something about Justin and Tori.."

"I've never had kids of my own, I'm married but I don't have kids.. I've never had any patients as great as these two.. I feel like they're my own and I love them to death even though I've only known them but two weeks. But after working almost non-stop since they've arrived, I've learned a lot of things that I've never learned in my 24 years of being a nurse."

"Never stop loving someone, no matter what the circumstance."

"These two crazy teenagers have brought my life happiness, given the circumstances.. I am so proud that they're in my life right now and I hope to be invited to thier wedding, however many years away that might be. I want to see these two in pure happiness, together and forever."

"And it seizes to amaze me how these two are badly injured but they continue to entertain all of you.. Whether it be the making of this video or a post on Twitter. They will not stop trying to make their fans happy, that just enlightens me. I've also learned something from that.. Love what you do and do what you love."

"Well.. That's all I've wanted to say, now I have to figure out how to turn this damned thing off. Oh, here it is.. Bye!" I said as found the button and clicked it off. I sighed and stood up from the bed and walked out to the nurses station.

"Shannon!" I heard my asshole of a boss yell for me, I turned and smiled at her as she handed me a stack of papers.

"You need to speak to Justin Castillo and Tori Buchanan's parents.. They're due to leave tomorrow." She said with an evil grin, she turned on her heel and walked the other way. I sighed as I headed for the waiting room where the two families have been waiting all morning for the results of how long the two will be in casts.

"Hello. I'm Shannon and I've been your childrens nurse for the past 3 weeks. They're lovely kids." I said as I shook everyones hands. Once I got to the little kids, I kneeled down to thier level.

"Hmm. I'm guessing your Jaylyn... Joe Felix.. and Ava Grace?" I asked as I pointed to each of them. They smiled and nodded.

"Justin has told me to so much about you." I said as I stood back up. I looked over on Tori's best friend Jenna's lap and seen Tori's little sister, Laila.

"And you must be Laila." I said as I poked her stomach. She nodded shyly and curled into Jenna. I sat up and sat in a chair facing them all.

"Well, I have the papers for their release. We just need to decide where each of them is going, whether it be to Los Angeles or to one of your homes." I said.

"Tori's coming home with us, it's already decided." Tori's mother stiffly said as her lips pursed into a straight line.

"But they've already said they don't want to get seperated." Jenna said.

"Do you really think a bunch of arrogant teenagers will know how to take care of two cripples." Tori's father said.

"Arrogant teenagers? They are very independent and they're very smart! What makes you think they wouldn't be able to take care of them?" Justin's mother said. I'm guessing these families have never met, they fight like an old married couple.

"Let me remind you, their not all teenagers. Kian is the only teenager in the house other than Tori. Ricky, Connor and Jc are all in their twenties." Jenna said, I nodded as I agreed with her.

"You agree that they should go to Los Angeles?" Tori's mother asked, caught dumbfounded I stared at them for a minute.

"I.. I do believe they should go to Los Angeles. They're responsible people and I think they would be able to take care of themselves." I said, Tori's parents scoffed and looked at each other.

"No. No. She's coming with us, I don't care where the hell Justin goes as long as it's not with us." Tori's father said as he looked at Justin's parents.

"How about we ask them when they get up here where they want to go?" I asked as I stood up.

"They're just teenagers, they will make a horrible decision. They need their parents for this." Tori's mother said.

"Maybe you've forgotten, their engaged to be married, they have their own careers as well as a stable future with each other.. I don't think they need any help with a decision, after all they are adults." Jenna said as she set Laila on the chair next to her and stormed off down the hallway. I nodded and began to walk away.

"You should listen to her, she's right." I said, ignoring all the nasty comments the Buchanan's made at me as I walked back to the nurses station.

Those people need to let go..

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