Chapter 49

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*Jenna's POV*

"Hello?" I said as I answered my phone.

"Hello is this Jenna Kiana?" The person on the other end asked.

"Um, yes. Why?" I asked.

"Your friend has been in a car accident, Tori Buchanan.. and she had you under her second emergency contact. Of course her first emergency contact was Justin but he's also badly injured.. So we're going to need you to contact both of their parents as soon as possible?"

"Oh my god! Where, which hospital?" I asked frantically as I grabbed my keys off the kitchen table.. Running out across the street to the Buchanan's. She gave me the location and I knocked on the door frantically. As soon as Mrs. Buchanan opened the door I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards my car.

"Tori and Jc were in a car accident and they're in a hospital in Houston and I have to get there and I have to find Jc's parents and they're in bad condition and I have to get there. We have to get there." I said quickly, Tori's mom rushed back in the house and grabbed Tori's dad. We all jumped in my car and I started driving.. Too bad Houston was over 13 hours from where we were.

"What happened exactly?" Tori's mom asked.

"They were in a car accident. That's all I know... Here you can call the hospital, just dial back the number that called me." She took my phone and dialled, asking for a nurse to tell us what happened over the phone.. Minutes passed before someone authorized told us what happened.

"Witnesses say the two were driving into an intersection, the driver sped up trying to make the light before it turned red and an 18-wheeler slammed into the side of them. The car flipped many times, leaving the driver's side crushed and the passenger side horribly dented, as well as all the windows busted."

"Justin Castillo was driving and he was flung from the car, he landed a few feet away. His injuries are a broken leg, a few broken ribs and a broken neck.. Nothing too life threatening but he is undergoing surgery as we speak."

"As for Tori Buchanan.. She was almost fully crushed by the 18-wheeler and is in critical condition. She suffers from severe head trauma, a broken arm, two broken legs and several ribs broken. She is also undergoing surgery as we speak." By this time, we were all crying as I drove.

"We've found Justin's records from a nearby hospital in San Antonio and we have contacted both of his parents. His father is here on stand by and his mother is on her way. We would like all family members to be here immediately, so please get here as fast as you can." We quickly hung up and I did a complete U-Turn on the highway, going back for the rest of the family.

"Where are you going? We need to get to that hospital!" Her father insisted.

"You heard the woman, they want all family members there... We're going back to get Jason and Laila."


*14 hours later*

It's almost 3 in the morning and we're all in the waiting room, Tori's parents.. Jc's parents... Jc's siblings Ava Grace, Joe Felix, and Jaylyn... Jason and Laila.

I feel so horrible for Ava Grace, Joe Felix and Jaylyn.. All they know is Jc is hurt. They're already crynig hysterically just at the thought of their brother being even slightly injured.

"Hey guys, how about I take you out to McDonald's? Get some food?" I asked, they nodded and I walked them out to my car.

"Are Jc and Tori going to be okay?" Jaylyn asked.

"They're going to be fine. I promise." I said, she half-heartedly smiled and got in the passenger seat after making sure both Ava Grace and Joe Felix were buckled in. I drove carefully to the McDonald's we had passed on the way here.. Just minutes from the hospital.

Once we arrived, we ordered some food and ate it in silence. Towards the end they all finally started to speak..

"Who is the girl that got hurt too?" Little Ava Grace asked, I forgot that Ava has never even met Tori.

"Tori is Jc's girlfriend." Jaylyn said.

"She's really fun and pretty and she loves Jc very much. And Jc loves her too. You can tell just by the way they look at each other." Joe Felix said, I smiled. They both seemed to like Tori a lot.

"So you guys like her a lot, don't you?" They nodded.. My phone started to ring seconds after.

"Jenna, you have to get back here. They're letting us back to see them." Mrs. Buchanan practically yelled into the phone.

"Oh my god. Okay, we'll be right there." I said, we quickly got out to the car and sped off to the hospital only blocks away. Once we arrived, Mrs. Buchanan and Mr. Buchanan were just walking out from the back.. Crying.

"It's your turn, honey." She said, I walked past her and followed the nurse to the room. As soon as I got there, I began crying. Jc and Tori were both all bandaged up, their faces were barely recognizable by all the bruises, cuts and swelling.

"Oh my god." I said to myself as I sobbed into my hand. I fell into the chair between the two beds. Jc's mom sat on the chair next to me, I forgot she was still in here.

"I wish I wouldn't have had to meet you until the wedding.." I nodded, chuckling a bit.

"Yeah, well. I knew Tori and Jc would have brought us together before somehow anyway, I just didn't think it'd be this way." I said, she stood up and patted my shoulder.

"I'm gonna leave you alone, I'll be in the waiting room." She said before leaving.

"Tori." I said as I leaned over to her bedside.

"I wish I was there with you, to protect you from that semi.. Maybe it'd be me instead. You're not the one that needs to die, I do. I deserve it. You and Jc both deserve to live and be happy together for the rest of your lives. I love you, Tori. I would do anything for you, matter it be dying or living." I cried out. I heard rustling on Jc's side of the room, I looked over and his eyes were barely open but his head was turned towards me. I sobbed and went on his side of the bed. He tried to talk, but it looked like it was hurting him. I wiped a stray tear from his cheek.

"Jc. Jc. Calm down, please." I said.

"She's okay.. and so are you." I said, I sobbed once more and gave him a gentle hug before walking out into the waiting room, sobbing.

"What's happened?!" Jc's dad asked as soon as they all noticed nurses and doctors rushing in their room.

"Jc's awake." I barely got out.. I sobbed, running out to the parking lot where my car was parked. I just sat there for a while. They don't deserve this..

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