Chapter 37

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Monday at noon and everything is still crazy. Acacia is still here, not for the reason I kept her here. She said she just wants to hang out with us a little more.

So of course, the guys being all hyped up on hormones let this little bitch stay for a few more days.

She has gotten me to the point where I am ready to drop kick her. She will not let up, sure the first day or so of her being here she was all thankful for me letting her stay here but now it's like we're in World War 3 over the boys.

She is constantly hanging off of them and flirting with Jc and I'm absolutely tired of it. If I see her touch his arm one more time, I'm going Sharkeisha on that bitch - metaphorically... I'm not going to risk myself getting in trouble for slapping a 16 year old.

As Jc and I sat on the couch watching tv, I cuddled into the side of him as his arm rested tightly around me. Our legs were intertwined and my head was nuzzled on his chest. He softly kissed the top of my head and rubbed circles in my back.

"I love you babe." He said with his sleepy voice. I smiled up at him.

"I love you too." I said as he leaned down and kissed my lips softly.

Queue the bitch.. "Goddamn, get a room." She said as she fell onto the couch beside Jc. I leaned over Jc and glared at her.

"You really have to ruin everything, don't you?" She smirked and leaned on Jc's arm. She playfully messed with his hair as he anxiously stared at me, not knowing what to do with the hormonal teenager hanging off of him.

"Quit touching my boyfriend." I said to her as I leaned back into Jc. His arms wrapped tightly around me as I cuddled back into his side.

"Maybe if you weren't such a stuck up bitch, I'd actually be nice to you." She mumbled as she continued to cuddle into his other side.

"I'll admit, I am a bitch. But I have the best reason to be. Whether I was in their lives or not when all of the shit went down before, it's still lingering every single time you enter a damn room. When you first got to the party, Sam was going to leave because of you. We haven't seen him in literally months and then you show up and he's instantly ready to leave. I know what happened between Kian and Sam and it had nothing to do with them having a fight or getting in each others business. It was because you decided that you were going to use Sam to get to Kian and break their life long friendship up. They never even talk because of you. And what about Sam and Kenzie? You broke them up.. You were the one to send Kenzie those nasty messages and harass her enough to leave Sam. You are such a stuck up bitch, you don't look around and think about everyone else." I said as I stood up and pulled her off the couch.

"That was my past, Tori." She mumbled.

"Really? Because it sure damn seems like you're trying to get my boyfriend. You're hanging off him and messing with his hair and flirting with him every chance you get. He's my boyfriend, you bitch. Lay off." I said as I walked back over to the couch. Before I made it to the couch, she managed to grab my hair and pull me back.

Here comes the girl fight.

We both ended up rolling around on the ground, punching and kicking each other and screaming our heads off. We managed to wake the rest of the boys up and they all pried us off each other.

"Get out of this house! I swear to god I will beat you if you ever come back!" I screamed at her as she wiped the tears from her face, her makeup was slowly being rubbed off to reveal the true black eye that I put on her face. She didn't get very many hits on me, but I sure did fight her.

At this point, I don't give a shit if I get in trouble or not. She comes into my house and messes with all my friends and my boyfriend, that's not gonna fly.


"I wish this week wouldn't have happened." I said as I cuddled into Jc's side, he rubbed his hand up and down my side as he kissed the top of my head.

"I know babe, I know. I wish I could fix everything that's happened over the past year." He said. I looked up at him and smiled.

"But if some of the shit that happened never happened, we might not be together right now." I mumbled, he kissed my lips softly and smiled as he leaned back.

"I'd hate to go back to life without you." He said. I smiled and we leaned our foreheads against each other.

"Hey, remember Teen Hoot?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Best night of my life. Yeah, I remember. Why?" He asked as he pulled his face away from mine. I bit my lip and ran upstairs, him following close behind me as we both laughed. I jumped on the bed as he closed the door.

I've only known Jc a year and a half. Over the past year and a half, I've gone through hell and back but he's always there waiting to pick up the pieces and work everything out. I can honestly say, this boy is the only one I want to be with and the only one I need to be with.

Stay Cloudy (Jc Caylen - O2L fanfiction) ~Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now