Chapter 41

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"Why didn't you tell me you were gay last night?" I asked Jayce as we sat in a coffee booth in Starbucks. Jayce shrugged as he sipped his coffee.

"You made me question my whole relationship with Jc." I said, he kind of stared at me for a moment before speaking.

"It's understandable that you would considering you said you laughed more with me last night than you have in a while with that so-called boyfriend of yours."

"I just, I don't know. Lately I've felt more of like a caretaker than a girlfriend. I feel like one of those old wives that takes care of the old man even though he's perfectly capable of taking care of himself." I sipped on my coffee and waited for Jayce to speak.

"How long have you lived with them?" He asked.

"I've lived with them since I came to LA."

"And how many times have you left? Or are you always with them?" He asked.

"I've left a few times, but they always come to get me. And my family kind of disowned me for being with them, so I don't really have anywhere else to go." I said.

"That's why you've turned into this 'caretaker' type of a person. You've lived with them so long, they've just accustomed to you taking care of them. I bet if you left for a week, they would be calling you everyday. Every single one of them." Jayce said. I sat and thought about it for a while longer until I got like three texts from the boys.

how long r u gonna b gone? -kian

did u get the asprin yet? -jc

where r the spoons? i want cereal. -connor

i need asprin babeeee. -jc

could u get some bunny food for buneary when u get back? -ricky

"It's all them wasn't it?" I nodded in response and texted them all back, telling them I would be back in a few hours and they'll have to wait.

"I said I'm out with a friend and I will be home in a few hours." I said as I set my phone down on the table.

"One thing that pisses me off is, all my friends are they're friends too. I really have no privacy because if I tell one person, then everyone finds out and its ridiculous. I can't keep secrets anymore. And the one person I could trust went totally crazy and.. I'm sorry. You don't know a thing about what I'm talking about." I rambled on.

"Go ahead, you can trust me. Tell me all about you. What makes Tori, Tori." He said with a smile. Over the next hour, I told him everything about highschool, Jenna, and my life in general.

"Wow, do you know where she is now?" He asked, referring to Jenna.

"Nope. Sometimes, I would like to think she stable and in Florida but other times maybe she could be in some high-quality mental institution. I would like to at least confront her about what happened, but I know if I did the boys would be absolutely pissed at me." I said, he nodded his head, his eyes widened a bit and then he tossed his empty coffee cup into the trash can behind him.

"Well, Buchanan.. Looks like you're going home." He said as he stood and pointed to the window behind me. Jc stood there looking angry.

Maybe my next actions were to piss Jc off or maybe I was just being friendly.. I hugged Jayce and kissed his cheek. I turned towards the door and Jayce walked with me. Once we got to the door, Jc was leaned against a parking meter.

"Bye Jayce, text me?" I asked, he nodded and walked the opposite way.

"What's up babe?" I asked as I walked up to him. I leaned in for a peck on the lips but he quickly leaned away and started walking to Kian's car.

"Oh cool. No kisses today, whoopdidoo." I said sarcastically as I followed him.

"What? You're just gonna go home now without a word?" I asked, he turned around and glared at me.

"Glaring isn't going to solve anything, babe." I said.

"I knew you were out with him." He growled.

"Well yeah, he picked me up. Who else do you think I was with?" I asked with a laugh.

"You're cheating on me aren't you?" He said, I scoffed.

"Why in hell would I cheat on you? I wanted to get away from the disgustingness of the house and I needed to pick up the car anyway. It's not like you were in the condition to drive me anyway." I said as I began walking the other way.

"Well I'm sorry that I wanted to have fun on New Years Eve with my friends instead of staying at home and being lazy as hell." I stopped walking and turned to him with my eyebrows raised.

"Really? I'm underage Jc. You're 2 years older than me. I'm sorry I was raised in a family that alcoholism was against the rules. I'm sorry I was born in the wrong year. But I am sure as hell not the lazy one here, you're the one that lays around the house all day with your friends. Have you not noticed that I'm the one that cleans the house, does all of the laundry, does the dishes and goes grocery shopping?"

"You don't have to do that and you know it." I sighed as he said that.

"Oh really? Because I've tried not to do any of that before. But after not even two days, the house was a mess, there was piles of clothes by the washer, the dishes were piled up and there was no food in the damn fridge."

"And why did you show up here in the first place?" I asked him after ranting at him for probably like two mintues.

"I love you and I can't stand you being with another guy." He said simply.

"If I can't hang out with Jayce then you can't hang out with Jenn." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Hell no, you can't tell me what to do." He said.

"Then you can't tell me what to do either. I'm still hanging out with Jayce whether you like it or not." I said, crossing my arms.

"You don't own me, Jc. I'm your girlfriend not some child you can tell what to do." I said turning and walking to Ricky's car. I heard him open his car door and slam it as soon as he got in. I watched him back up and speed off down the road, going about 80.

I got in the car and cried, first fight we've ever had. Sure, we've had arguments before but nothing like this. I waited for a few minutes until my crying stopped, I began to drive back to the house. Along the way, I picked up bunny food and the asprin the boys asked for. When I arrived, they all didn't know what happened. Jc stormed up stairs as soon as he got home, I guess since Kian's car was sitting outside.

"What the hell happened?" Connor asked as I fell onto the couch.

"I don't want to talk about it." I cried out as I began to cry. Ricky and Connor comforted me while Kian went to talk to Jc. Minutes later, Kian returned with some rude comments that Jc said.

"He said some things that I'd rather not tell you." He said as he kneeled down in front of me. I cried for hours, not even being able to go in my own room.

"I'm going to Jenn and Andrea's." I said as I got up, wiping my tears.

"Do you want me to get some clothes for you from your room?" Ricky asked, I shook my head.

"No, I'll do it." I said as I walked up the stairs, I sighed before walking in the room. He sat in the chair by the computer, with his head in his hands. I'm sure he thought it was just one of the boys at first but as soon as I started to go through drawers to find clothes, he looked up and tried to talk to me.

"Where are you going?" He asked as I threw some clothes into a bag.

"Jenn and Andrea's." I said as I walked into the connecting bathroom. I threw my makeup and such in the bag and walked back out.

"Don't. Please, I'm sorry." He said as he grabbed my arm lightly. I yanked my arm out of his grip.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Jc. You can't just say sorry and expect everything to be okay because it won't." I said before walking out the door. I stepped back in and glared at him for a minute.

"Oh and Jayce is gay, so you don't have anything to fucking worry about."

Stay Cloudy (Jc Caylen - O2L fanfiction) ~Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now