Chapter 1

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"Hey guys! It's Tori! I'm here to update you guys on what I'm going to be doing for the next few days!" I smiled at the camera as I recorded myself.

"Tomorrow, I'm flying out to California with Jenna... We won't really be doing anything other than the flight and getting settled into our room."

"We're going to be hanging out with O2L all week, so expect some fucking frantastic videos."

"The rest of the week, I really don't know what our plans are.. Maybe I'll do a meet and greet or something.."

"Oh and for those of you wondering how I am so grateful to be meeting O2L as well as spending the day with them, Jenna actually went to school with Connor Franta in Minnesota.. And they were pretty good friends, I guess. So, yeah."

"I hope you guys have a great day and if you want to keep up on what I'm doing, follow my vlog channel! All the links will be in the downbar, bye guys!" I turned off my camera and set in on the table as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey! Buchanan!" I heard someone shout from outside the window, I looked down and Jenna stood staring up at me.

"Mind letting me up?" I laughed and yelled back.

"I don't know! What's the password?" I laughed.

"Let me up into your damn apartment or I'll take someone else to meet O2L!" I laughed.

"Fine, fine." I said as I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Did you pack your dress?" She asked. I laughed.

"Uh, no? I packed my normal clothes.. You know... tees, jeans, snapbacks, Vans." She rolled her eyes.

"You need to be more feminine if you want to get a boyfriend."

"Gurl, I have had PLENTY of boyfriends before that like me for me. I'm not changing for anyone."

"Yeah, yeah." She fluttered her hand in my face.

-1 day later-

"Hey guys, so me and Jenna are in the taxi on the way to the airport. Our flight comes in a few hours and then we have a layover in Las Vegas and then we fly out to Cali."

"Jenna, who's picking us up from the airport?"

"I don't know, I might call Connor." She said as I closed the camera and stuffed it into my bag.

"Kay." I said as our cab driver pulled into the parking lot at the airport.

"It'll be $20 for you ladies." The man said as he grabbed our suitcases out of the trunk. I handed him a $20 dollar bill.

"Thank you!" We said in unison as we walked into the airport.

I pulled out my camera and started to vlog.

"Okay, so we just got to the airport.. Now we just have to find the terminal... And people are staring at me. Bye guys." I said as I closed my camera, there were at least three people staring at me awkwardly.

"Idiots." I mumbled as I walked past them with Jenna.


"Oh my god, how long is the lay over?" I asked Jenna.

"An hour I think.." She said as she stared at her phone.

"Come on, I'm hungry." I said as I started to walk towards the Taco Bell in the terminal.

"Two Baha Blasts please." I said as I handed the cashier my credit card. She handed it. Back and have us our drinks within a few seconds.

"Thanks. Have a nice day." I said as I waddled toward an empty table.

I looked at my phone, we still had a while until our flight to Cali and it was only 5 o'clock... Wait, no that's Florida time. It's 1 o'clock here. Stupid timezones.

"Connor said that they're fixing up te spare room for us. We don't need a hotel." Jenna said. I nodded in approval as I sat back and drank my Baha Blast.

I heard a squeal from behind me and turned around.

"Y-You're Tori Buchanan!" One of the three girls said as her other two friends literally hyperventilated.

"Uh, yeah. I am." I said as I looked at Jenna. I gave her the 'what do I do' look and she shrugged and looked back at the girls.

"Do you want a picture?" I asked and they jumped and squealed.

I got up and took a picture with them and after they told us their whole life story, Jenna spoke up.

"Sorry to break up this little meet & greet but we have to get to our flight. Have a nice day!" She said as she pulled me away.

"Thanks for the save." I laughed.

Stay Cloudy (Jc Caylen - O2L fanfiction) ~Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now