Chapter 27

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Hours on hours.. Me, Kian, and Jc's mom have been waiting in the emergency room waiting area for at least four hours. I lost track of time a long time ago.

I bounced my knee as I rested my face in my hands. Kian rubbed my back as we waited.

"Did you call the boys?" I asked Kian, he nodded.

"They said they'd get out as soon as they can." I felt so bad, Jc never went through any of this shit until he got with me. His life was sort of normal before I came along.

Jc's mom sat on the far end of the area, she hasn't gotten up in hours unless a nurse comes out to give us updates. But so far, every time a nurse comes out and tells her something she just says that he's in a stable condition. I know there's something more.

A nurse walked out and went over to her, I immediately got up and walked over. They fell silent as I came into the conversation.

"Continue what you were saying, miss." I said, she hesitated and looked at Jc's mom.

"This is just between his mother and me, I'm going to have to ask you to please take a seat." She said, anger began to build up.

"I'm his girlfriend, I have the right to know how he is." I said, I pressed my lips into a straight line.

"Please sit down." She said, I looked at his mom and she just gave me this blank look. I went right back to where Kian was and sat down. I immediately burst into tears and cried so hard. Why won't they tell me what's wrong with him? Does she think I'm not responsible? Not loving? Does she think I don't love him as much as I do?

I deserve to know what's wrong with my boyfriend.

"What'd she say?" Kian asked, I sat up and pushed all my hair back.

"They won't tell me anything. I need to know what's wrong with him, Kian. I have to find out." I practically yelled to him as I cried. Kian looked up as I heard doors push open. I looked up and my baby stood there in one piece.

His eye was bruised as well as his chest and his arm was in a sling, I immediately stood up and ran to him. I hugged him softly and kissed his unbruised lips.

"No one would tell me what was wrong with you, I'm just glad you're in one piece. I am so sorry baby. I love you." I rambled on as he wrapped his one good arm around me. I cried into his shirt as I held onto him.

"I'm alright baby, just a sprained shoulder and a few bumps and bruises." He said as he kissed my forehead. I wiped my tears as I held his hand, his mom came up to us and sighed.

"No more fighting." She said, he chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, mom." He said.

Thank god, he's okay.

Stay Cloudy (Jc Caylen - O2L fanfiction) ~Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now