Chapter 25

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I woke up the next morning with Kian beside me, I know.. I came to San Antonio to get back my Jc and I'm in the same bed with Kian?!

Jc's mom didn't want us to be in the same room together until we worked everything out so she stuck me with Kian in the spare bedroom.

I waddled downstairs in my sweats and a tank top, I figured maybe Jc would be up watching tv like he usually is when he's at home.. But of course, no one was downstairs.

I made myself a cup of coffee and sat out on the front steps. I seen Jaylyn and Joe Felix out playing in the front yard, Jaylyn called me over as they tossed a ball around.

"You wanna play?" She asked.

"Sure!" I said as she tossed me the ball, we played a little while and Joe Felix just randomly sat down and crossed his arms.

"Joe Felix! Come on bro!" I said as I messed with him. He giggled and I picked him up and spun around and few times, I ended up falling straight on my ass. Good job, Tori.

We all started laughing as I threw myself back onto the grass, Jaylyn came over and layed next to me and Joe Felix was still laying on top of me laughing.

"I'm glad we got to meet you Tori." Jaylyn said after we all stopped laughing.

"I'm glad I finally got to meet you guys too. Jc always talks about you." I said, she smiled.

"We don't get to see him much, he's always in Los Angeles. This was the first time we've seen him in a year." She said, I felt so bad. Jc never comes out here, but he spent hundreds of dollars on plane tickets to go from LA to Florida and back like three times, not to mention the time we went to Tennessee. He spends so much money on going places for me and his career, he never actually spends time with his family.

"Well, I'll make sure he comes out here more." I said with a smile.

"With you too? Momma really likes you." Jaylyn said, I smiled.. How could she like me? She's only met me this time and it's not a very good circumstance.

"She likes me?" Jaylyn nodded.

"I would have thought she hated me.." I said. At that moment, Jc walked out onto the sidewalk.

"Goodmorning." He said with a smile, both Joe Felix and Jaylyn both ran at him and attacked him with hugs.

I stood up and smiled at him, one night of being back with my baby and it's still majorly awkward.

Jc put out his arm and smiled at me.

"Come on Tor, there's room for you babe." He said, I giggled and joined the group hug. I laughed as Jaylyn messed up Jc's already-crazy morning hair. As we were all in a group hug, Kian ran out on the porch with my phone in his hand.

"Um, Tori. I think we have a problem." He said, I looked at him and he looked so worried.

"Go inside guys, we need to talk by ourselves okay?" Jaylyn and Joe Felix both went inside and Kian came over to me and Jc, handing me my phone.

"What?" I asked as I looked at the blank screen. I clicked a few times and nothing would come up.. What was Kian worried about a low battery on my phone or something?

"Jenna." He simply said, I haven't heard her name in months.. Just hearing it gives me the chills.

"What did she do?" I asked, Kian sighed.

"Your phone was ringing so I woke up and answered it thinking it was mine."

*Kian's phone call with Jenna.*

"Hello?" I said.

"Oh hello Kian, I was expecting Tori.. Since this is her phone. But I'll tell you instead."

"Who the hell is this?" I asked.

"Who the hell do you think this is? It's Jenna." A moment of silence fell between us before she began to speak.

"I'd just love to let Tori know that Devin is on his way to come get her, I hacked Tori's phone and I've been texting him for about a week telling him how much Tori loves him and wants to be with him forever. That boy is a lunatic, sorry that Tori didn't realize it sooner. She's going to get a rude awakening when she finds that boy on her doorstep waiting to kill Jc. The poor kid thinks that Jc kidnapped Tori, wonder where he got that idea from? Oh wait, he got it from me."

"Have a great day rounding that crazy lunatic up.. Oh and one more thing, after this phone call ends, Tori's phone will be disabled. Bye Kian."

*Phone call over.*

"That bitch." I mumbled as I began to look around.

"I swear to god, he shows up here I will beat his ass." Jc said as he went inside.

"Why the fuck does she have to ruin everything?" I yelled as I threw my phone on the ground and watched it shatter. I pushed past Kian and went inside following Jc.

I swear to god that girl belongs in a mental institution.

Stay Cloudy (Jc Caylen - O2L fanfiction) ~Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now