19- Severed Limbs

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Chapter Nineteen:

Severed Limbs:

Saturday morning I woke with a jump. I looked around for the source of the noise that had awoken me. I noticed my phone was on my desk, sitting on what looked like a couple pens.

I couldn’t reach my phone and I wouldn’t get out of bed, so I wasn’t even going to bother. I groaned and closed my eyes. I was convinced I was going back to sleep.

But then someone must have texted me again and it started rattling like crazy. I decided that whoever it was wasn’t going to stop anytime soon.

I dragged myself from my nice warm bed and stomped my way over to my phone.

All three of my new texts were from Garrett.

I called him back instead of texting. “What are you doing calling me so early?” I asked him when he picked up. It was just after eight in the morning.

“I wanted to see if you were up yet,” he said simply. I sighed and flopped back on my bed.

“And did you get your answer?” I asked him.

“Yup. So when are you coming over?” he asked hopefully.

“What makes you think I am?” I asked supressing a yawn.

“Well Maddy’s over at your place, dad’s at work, mom left to go do something and Kyle is at his friend Calvin’s place. Of course you’re coming over!”

“Meh, give me like an hour,” I told him.

“But Pigtails! I woke up extra early for you! I didn’t want to waste any time!”

“As sweet as you are Gare, you just woke me up. I still need to shower and eat.”

“Oops! Sorry! I thought you were a morning person!”

“I am, I just don’t like being woken up.”

“Sorry!” Garrett whispered again. “Just come on over when you’re ready.”

I agreed and we hung up.

After I was ready, I stopped at Alice’s room on the way downstairs to say good morning to the girls.

“Good morning,” I said as I opened Alice’s door.

Both of their heads swiveled to look at me from where they were sitting on the floor. At the same time both of them smiled the same smile.

“Hello,” they said at the same time. I noticed that they were not playing with any of the dozens of Barbies in the room, but were instead writing or drawing on a piece of paper. I was too far away to see what they had drawn/written on the paper. But I knew it was in crayon from looking to the wax stick they each had in their hand.

“How is my elder sister this morning?” Alice asked.

“I see you are ready for your morning with my elder brother,” Maddy said.

“Um,” I said. I was looking between them. Neither of them was fidgeting at all. They sat perfectly still and didn’t make any unnecessary movements. Which meant all they did was move their lips and blink.

“Yeah,” I said for lack of anything better to say.

“What activities are yourself and Garrett planning to engage in?” I felt my jaw drop. The girls, like myself, never called Garrett by his full name unless they were mad at him. It was always either ‘Gare’ or ‘Gare-Gare’.

“I’m not sure,” I said. That was only a half lie. I had an idea, but I wasn’t going to be telling them no matter how strange they were acting. They were still our little sisters.

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