52. Cuffed - Pt. 1 | requested [B.A.]

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"I thought you moving out meant I didn't have to see you anymore." I rolled my eyes, dropping my purse onto the dining room table. There sat Barry, lazily picking at an assumed late night meal of Big Belly Burger.

"Joe asked me to stay the night since he's working a night shift," Barry answered. He checked his watch, his eyes widening slightly. Apparently he didn't realize it was almost four in the morning, and I was just stumbling in right before Joe would. What an observant brother.

"Looks like you worked the night shift, too." I pointed out. "But seriously, Barry, go back to your own place. I'm nineteen, I don't need a baby sitter." I straightened out my shirt and patted down my messy hair, as if to prove my point.

Barry's eyes narrowed, not buying my act. "I think it was more to make sure you don't bring home a boy."

I crossed my arms over my chest in frustration, "That was one time, Barry! And again, I'm nineteen, I can do whatever I want."

"One time?" Barry pried.

"One time I was caught."

Barry laughed, but it was humorless. He shrugged tiredly, and I already knew I was about to get a lecture. "Why are you like this, Y/N? You're out partying until four in the morning, bringing home strange boys, and just being so careless. C'mon, Y/N! I don't want to have to end up sending you to prison."

I scoffed, offended at his words. "Seriously, Barry? Seriously? Just because I'm young and like to have does not I'm going to become some kind of criminal!" I stamped my foot like a child, turning my back to him. I couldn't take Barry's judgement, or his constant prying that 'I could be a better person.' It was my life.

"Y/N, you're throwing your life away!" He shouted back, and I could hear him standing up from the table.

"Having fun isn't throwing my life away!" I groaned.

The sound of the front door opening caused both of our gazes to snap to it. Joe stepped inside, his eyes narrowed at the two of us. He walked through the living room, stopping when he could at the threshold between it and dining room.

"Uh, hey, daddio Joe," I muttered, feeling his cold stare on me.

Joe breathed in deeply, the sound causing me to cringe. If I thought Barry's lectures were bad, Joe's yelling was worse. Barry speeded to my side, jabbing a finger over at me.

"I've been talking to her," Barry sighed, not even bothering to hide his disappointment.

"Talking to her?" Joe repeated harshly, catching both of us off guard. I raised my eyebrows, glancing back and forth between an angry Joe and a confused Barry. "It's not just Y/N. Which, really? Coming home at four in the morning? But, right now, that's besides the point. Please, just please enlighten to me as to why I could hear both of you fighting from outside! You two have got to stop arguing and yelling all of the time!"

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