21. What You're Not Saying - Pt. 1 [B.A]

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What You're Not Saying
{Barry x Reader}

"So, let me get this straight," you panted from the STAR Lab's hospital bed, "I have to go an actual hospital to have an actual surgery?"

You searched for Caitlin, for the room around you just couldn't seem to stop spinning. When you finally focused in on Caitlin, you felt sick from being so dizzy. And the panicked look on her face didn't seem to help the nausea go away. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I don't have what I need to preform this surgery." Your eyes searched hers, trying to see some form of a cruel lie.

You laugh humorlessly, looking over at Cisco and Barry, who's faces looked just as worried as Caitlin's. It wasn't the slightest bit assuring. But then again, nothing could be reassuring at this moment. You felt as though you were burning alive, and your 'own personal doctor' couldn't save you.

Not even Barry could save you. The man who rescued you countless times after somehow managing to wind up in dangerous situations.

"Are you sure?" You asked in a whisper. Your felt your chest flame up again, causing a loud groan from you. You wiped your forehead, feeling the sticky sweat. Your eyes began to droop, and holding up your hand felt like more of a chore by the second.

Caitlin looked at your heart monitor, shaking her head. "Barry, you've got to run her to the hospital as soon as possible."

"Can she handle that kind of travel?" Barry asked, rushing to your bedside. His face was laced with worry. You would have been embarrassed for Barry to see you like this, but now Barry had seen you at your worst many times before.

You opened your mouth to protest, or maybe scream, you weren't sure. But nothing came out, a cloudiness fogging your brain. The fog turned black, and everything was gone.

- - -

Barry looked down at your unconscious body, fighting back tears. Barry had adored you ever since you joined team Flash as Cisco's prodigy inventor six months ago. You were like a little sister to him. But somehow, you always found yourself in trouble. Barry constantly worried about you - he couldn't stop thinking about you, and your safety, and how you could be so strong after being put in danger because of his enemies. And this time, watching you out cold, Barry wanted to cry knowing this wasn't something he could fight for you.

"Okay, I'm taking her," Barry said. He flashed away, returning back to your bedside in his Flash suit. He reached out to your limp body, stroking your face gently.

"Be careful," Caitlin warned, her voice thin.

"You know I'm always careful with her," Barry promised. He gently reached around you, picking up your body bridal style.

"We're right behind you," Cisco said. And Barry was off, holding onto you for dear life.

"Is she going to be okay?" Cisco asked, turning to his friend. His eyes were red from holding back tears.

"She will be." Caitlin answered softly. "Barry will get her into the hospital in plenty of time. She's lucky to have him always looking out for her."

"Barry loves her," Cisco sighed, running a hand through his hair. He shook his head, pulling at his hair in frustration. He looked over at Caitlin, who was smiling softly in agreement at Cisco's words.

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