32. The First Move [B.A.]

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The First Move{Barry x Reader}

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The First Move
{Barry x Reader}

I took in a deep breath, mustering all of the confidence I had inside of me. I ran my tongue across my teeth as my eyes trailed over the word justice over and over again absentmindedly. Today justice was practically irrelevant, and my mind was busy replaying every memory and thought I could recall of Barry Allen. His shining, friendly face filled my mind, and just the idea of him made my heart skip a beat. He was too wonderful for words.

What am I doing here?


The voice snapped me out of my thoughts, my gaze landing on the surprised face of Detective Joe West. I quickly smiled, happy to see a familiar face inside of the CCPD. I had stopped to look at the mural carved inside the wall, and to honestly rethink what the heck I was even doing there.

"Hi, Joe," I grinned, shoving my hands in my jacket pockets. "Nice to see you."

"Good to see you, too. Are you here to see Barry?" Joe questioned, raising an eyebrow, "Because if so, you know your way to his lab." He laughed lightly, offering a kind smile.

"I... I guess I am," I stammered, unsure of how to answer. "I was just, uh, well, looking at this wall."

Joe eyed me skeptically, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh, is that right?" He asked, shifting his weight to one foot. He stood like that, watching me with narrowed, suspicious eyes.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Are you lying to a cop?" Joe chuckled quietly.

"No," I defended myself, "I really did come here to see Barry. I'm just... well, rethinking it."

Joe's smile twitched into a frown, and his arms stayed crossed. "Are you guys in a fight or something?" He asked. "Because you two fight like an old married couple."

"Y/N! Hey!" Both of our glances moved quickly to the stairwell, where Barry was rushing down, at a normal human speed. He was beaming brightly at Joe and I. The sight of his lips curled was contagious, and sent a flutter throughout my body. Here I was, a girl who's stood by The Flash and the Green Arrow and others through battles, and I was getting nervous about a boy like I was in middle school.

Barry finally reached us, his eyes planted on me. "I wasn't expecting you," he smiled. He filled the gap between us, pulling me into a hug. "Is there something going on?" He pulled away, the question in his eyes as well.

"Uh, not really," I breathed, all of the confidence I once had vanishing under the state of Barry.

"Well, that's okay. Barry loves visits from you; don't you Bear?" Joe laughed, almost teasingly, while looking at his adopted son.

"Er, yeah," Barry gulped, his face going a little red. Joe watched with an amused look, which was a bit confusing. "Joe, don't you have cop things to do?"

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