53. Cuffed - Pt. 2 | requested [B.A.]

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Joe had left for work, leaving Barry and I standing in the cortex with everyone else as they laughed at us. Anger and disbelief bubbled inside of me, and I was left wondering how I was being forced to spend all evening with my brother.

"So... what do we do now?" I asked flatly, walking over to a chair. I pulled Barry along, collapsing into it, forcing him to bend down for me to sit because he was so tall.

"Not that," he groaned, yanking himself up and me with it.

"Hey!" I swatted at him, making him step backwards. He almost fell, losing his footing and nearly taking us both down. "Well, this is the worst thing to ever happen to me." Everyone laughed again, which was already annoying me to no end.

"Because getting attacked by insane metahumans just isn't as bad as hanging out with me?" Barry questioned, his voice low.

"I'm not 'hanging out' with you," I pointed out, lifting up the hand that was cuffed to his. "I'm being forced to stay with you!"

We turned away from each other, both of us still upset with Joe's ridiculous parenting method. This was absolutely stupid. It wouldn't work. If anything, it was just going to make us hate each other more.

"Cisco, what if there is a metahuman attack? I don't have my powers, I can't stop it," Barry sighed, walking back over to the desk. I followed, yanked along by the handcuff.

"For once, I agree with Barry," I noted, "What if The Flash is needed? Wally's over on Earth 2 visiting Jesse, so we're down to no speedsters."

Cisco smirked. "I think Vibe can handle some metahumans." He stretched his arms forward, cracking his knuckles like fighting villains was just an everyday thing. Well, I guess it really was.

Barry shrugged, not minding the idea. "Awesome."

"But first, I could seriously use some dinner," Cisco frowned. "We can go pick something up and bring it back." Everyone nodded in agreement, grabbing their bags and jackets. I looked to Barry, who was also nodding.

"Um, what about my plans?" I asked, "I promised my friends I'd get dinner with them." I checked my watch, seeing I'd already be late if we left now.

Barry laughed loudly. "You really want to drag me along to hang out with your friends? Like this?" He pointed at the cuffs, and I sighed loudly. I was hating Joe's idea more and more.

I bit my lip, deciding that, again, he was right. Barry would probably bore my friends to death. "Yeah, okay," I huffed, "I'll tell them I can't make it due to...." Due to what? I was stuck to my brother with some metahuman handcuffs? I didn't think that would work.

"House arrest?" Cisco suggested. "It's perfectly true." He laughed, Iris and Caitlin joining in. I shook my head in disbelief at the stupid joke.

"We'll be right back," Iris promised. "Be good kids." I stuck my tongue out at my foster sister, watching as she slipped out the door with Cisco and Caitlin.

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