10. Sick Date [B.A.]

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Sick Date
{Barry x Reader}

Barry Allen, fastest man alive, scarlet speedster, protector of Central City, the man who's taken down more metahumans than anyone else around, the guy who doesn't know what the heck to do when it comes to a girl who's on her period. God bless Barry, but he just didn't know how to handle it. You think he would, after growing up with Iris practically being his sister.

Barry had been your best friend for two years now, since the particle accelerator went off, making you both metahumans. You were both moved to STAR Labs during comas, to which you woke up one month before he did. You were gifted with the creation and control of electricity, and your best friend since then was granted super speed.

You were currently sitting at home, sitting on the couch, holding your stomach that was cramped up like crazy. Sure, you could be this fearless, wicked chick who could fight monsters and baddies, but you were just as susceptible to period cramps as the next girl. In fact, it was like being a metahuman amped up the pain of it. It also didn't help that when you started to cramp up, your apartment lights flickered in reaction to your powers and pain.

Your phone buzzed, and with a glance you saw it was Barry. "Hey, Barry," you said, picking up the phone.

"Hi, Y/N. I just called to see if you wanted to get lunch with me today," Barry said quickly. Barry always talked too fast when he was nervous, but you had gotten pretty good at decoding his words after a while.

"I'd love to," you sighed, "But I'm not feeling too good." With that, another cramp arose, causing you to grab your stomach from the pain. The lights flickered, and you knew there was no way you could get away with that in a restaurant.

"What? Really?" Barry asked, his voice getting a little higher. You could hear the worry in his voice at the little octave change.

Before you could answer, a gust of wind filled the room, and Barry was standing in front of you. You laughed lightly, the pain subsiding, the lighting stabilizing, and hung up your phone.

"What's wrong?" Barry asked, "Do you need anything? A lift to the hospital?" His eyes were searching you, his face twisted with concern.

"Calm down, Barry-bear," you smiled.

"What is it?" He asked, sitting next to you on the couch. He leaned over, placing one of his cool hands on your forehead.

"Barry," you laughed again, swatting his hand away, "I'll be fine. You really didn't have to come here."

He kept staring at you, concern in his sea colored eyes. You loved how caring Barry was. It was one of his best qualities, honestly.

"I'm just bleeding," you said, your voice almost in a whisper. You couldn't wait to see Barry's reaction to that.

"Bleeding?" Barry asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"You know..." you trailed off, "That thing... that I do... once a month."

Barry let out a loud laugh, "Once a month? Yeah right, Y/N, you're so clumsy you probably bleed once a week. Anyway, want me to get you a bandage? Today's an important lunch, alright? I don't want to miss it."

You cringed at his quick words and his poor innocence. Wasn't he a super smart scientist? How was he not getting this?

"Barry," you finally groaned, "I'm on my period."

His eyes widened and he backed his body away a little bit. "Oh," he whispered. "I can - I can go."

You sighed, holding onto one of Barry's strong arms, keeping him there. "Why are you so afraid of the menstrual cycle?" You asked, "I mean... you're a scientist. Shouldn't you understand these things?" You let go of his arm.

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