33. Super-Couple [B.A.]

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{Barry x Reader}

"Oh my gosh!" I squealed, my eyes lighting up at my own thoughts, "They would look so cute on you!"

I looked over at The Flash, making out his face, which was still handsome even while covered by a mask, in the dark room. He looked too focused on the task at hand to listen to my rambling. He let out an annoyed groan, though, indicating he at least heard the sound of my voice.

"I'm trying to crack a safe. Be quiet," he muttered, looking over his shoulder at me. "And by the way, Earth-2 me had glasses and he didn't look that good." So, apparently he was listening to me.

"Oh, Flash," I chuckled, placing a hand on my partener's back, "First of all, I'm always right when it comes to these things. Second of all, you're taking way too long." I bumped him out of the way with my hip, leaning down to see the safe better. We were sort of Robin Hooding it, stealing back something that was stolen by one of Central City's richest and worst theives. Barry wasn't too thrilled, but I knew it was the only way to get the item back in time.

"You were just blabbering about fashion choices," Barry sighed, "What do you know about cracking safes?" He leaned down again, watching me with close eyes. Even after being carried by Barry many times, I still felt a little nervous with his close proximity. I could feel his bright green eyes raking over my face and my small, sure movements.

"There's a lot you don't know about me yet." I promised in a whisper. The safe door popped open, and I stood back in accomplishment. I looked over at Barry, who was staring with his mouth agape. I laughed, a proud smile on my face.

"I've got to hand it to you," Barry sighed, shaking his head, "You're definitely something else." He reached inside the safe, retrieving the item. Before any expected alarms could sound, Barry's arm was around me and he was running us both out of the building. Any cameras found had already been destroyed with a few flicks of my hands - I had expertly caused the moisture in the air to become too dense around them, trapping them in a bubble of water and short-circuiting the electronics.

The next thing I knew, I was standing outside of the Central City Police Department, Barry by my side. The object was out of his hand, and I knew he had returned it to the CCPD already. I smiled up at the speedster, tilting my head. "A good something else, right?" I asked, continuing our conversation.

Barry chuckled and nodded, "Definitely a good something else, Y/N."

"Hey guys, great job," Cisco said into our ear pieces, "Y/N, I've literally never been more proud of you. You are so much cooler than Barry. But also, there's a fire on the corner of Blackstone and Mosse."

"Isn't that the building with-" Barry started.

"The daycare?" Cisco asked. "Yes." My chest tighened, a panic overcoming me. Barry liked to complain I was too sympathetic, but wasn't that probably a good quality for a hero? And it wasn't like Barry was the most emotionless guy out there, anyway.

Without another word, Barry grabbed me, racing off towards the fire.

Fires were one thing Flash and I had down. Barry quickly removed people from the building, dropping me off in the front. I pulled the little water from the surrounding air, creating droplets to rain down on the fire, putting it out quickly. I'd walk around the scorching flames, letting the water pour over the wreckage. As soon as Barry was done rescuing everyone, he'd come by and help put the fire out with that strange arm trick he did.

We worked brilliantly as a team, despite our differences and Barry's seemingly constant annoyance with me while we were saving the day. I knew he didn't mind me, but I also knew he wasn't used to having another person out on the field with him.

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