04. Human Lie Detector - Pt. 1 [B.A]

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Human Lie Detector Pt. 1
{Barry x Reader}

You met Barry Allen your freshman year of college, when he was a junior at the same college. If it wasn't for your friendship with Barry, and the newfound family you found with his, you would've left Central City after college. But falling in love with your best friend made you do crazy things.

Three years after graduating, there you were - still in Central City, still in love with Barry Allen, still watching him in love with Iris West.

Now, you'd wished that you told Barry how you felt a long, long time ago.

You watched him move from the hospital where his heart kept stopping to STAR Labs where he showed no sign of stabilizing. It broke your heart day after day, and still, you spent more time by Barry's side than Iris did. You'd gotten to know Harrison, Caitlin, and Cisco over the past few months.

When Barry woke up, everything about him seemed different. Well, other than his adorable smile, his astounding intelligence, and his charming personality. He spent a lot of time at STAR Labs, which you started tagging along for, too. After all, Caitlin and Cisco were your friends first.

"Hey, hey," you said, walking into STAR Lab's cortex. You walked in, just to see one of the walls closing over something red. "What the heck was that?" You hurried over to the wall, dropping your bag and water bottle on the main desk and ignoring everyone's awkward hellos and coughs.

"Nothing," Cisco said, "Nothing at all. I'm just cleaning up the place. Nothing interesting."

"Y/N," Barry said, walking over to you. "We weren't expecting you today."

You turned around to see Barry's beautiful eyes looking into yours. You frowned, he didn't sound excited to see you. "Um, I'm sorry. I just wanted to come say hi. I didn't mean to interrupt anything." You backed away, but Barry's arm reached out and grabbed your hand as he shook his head.

"Ah, you're fine," he said. "I just thought you had work." He dropped your hand.

"It's Saturday," you furrowed your eyebrows, "I never work Saturdays. I missed you, Barry-bear. And Caitlin and Cisco, and maybe even Dr. Wells." You offered a smile.

"Well, for the record, I am excited to see you," Barry smiled back. "But, hey, why don't you and I head out for some coffees?" He looked over at Caitlin and Cisco, who nodded in return. Something was definitely off here.

"Are you sure I didn't interrupt?" You asked, frowning again. "I'm sorry, guys. I'm just going to head out now."

You turned away from Barry, not buying this act of his. He'd been so weird lately, and it was getting difficult to put up with. He was so guarded and secretive, and seemed to spend more time here than with you or his family.

"I'll see you guys later," you mumbled. You walked past the table, grabbing your purse and water without stopping. You popped open the water bottle, taking a gulp to calm your nerves with Barry Allen. As the liquid went down your throat, it caused a burning sensation. You stopped in your tracks, looking down at the bottle in your hand. It definitely wasn't your water bottle.

"Oh my gosh!" You panicked, thrusting the bottle with the creamy black liquid onto the table. "Cisco! What did I just drink?"

You heard Cisco mutter some choice words as the three of them ran over to you. Cisco picked up the bottle, inspecting it.

"Cisco," Caitlin groaned, "What did Y/N just drink?" She started inspecting you now, like the doctor she was. Panic wouldn't stop filling your body.

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