31. Game On [B.A.]

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Game On{Barry x Reader}

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Game On
{Barry x Reader}

"I am so ready for tonight." I smirked, walking through the dark parking lot. I pulled my black jacket tightly around me, blending into the shadows of the night. My boyfriend and one of my best friends stayed close by me, following my quick, eager steps forward.

"I don't know if this is a good idea," I heard Cisco mutter under his breath, as if I couldn't hear him. I smiled to myself, anyway, knowing that was a great idea. It was about time I got to join them for something like this.

"Shut up," Barry laughed softly, "She was trained by Oliver, they use bows and arrows. It's going to be fine."

I huffed, looking over my shoulder at the two, their faces illuminated by nothing but the warm glow of the parking lot's lights. "Just because we use bows and arrows doesn't mean we don't know how to use guns," I informed them, rolling my eyes.

Cisco's face twisted. "You've got to be kidding me!" He groaned, throwing his hands in the air.

"We've always known Y/N to be the strong, sensitive, murdering type," Barry mumbled, shaking his head. I couldn't hold back my laughter at his words. Of course there was nothing more I'd ever want to hear from my boyfriend while describing me. He knew me well.

"How in the world am I supposed to beat a speedster and the Green Arrow's prodigy at laser tag?" Cisco complained. I chuckled, pushing open the laser tag building's door, Barry and Cisco following me inside. "Seriously, Barry. This is bro night. What do I do when the non-bro beats me at bro night?"

"She kept asking to come," Barry shrugged, throwing an arm around me as we made our way to the back of the line. "How could I say no to a face this beautiful?" He gave Cisco a toothy grin, holding me closely. I melted into his side, feeling the warmth of him. He was so precious, so sweet. I couldn't wait to destroy him.

"You two make a lovely couple," Cisco sighed, shaking his head. "A comic book level crazy couple, but a lovely couple." I let out a loud laugh, nodding in acceptance.

"I can't wait to show you who's boss," I smiled, glancing back and forth between my superhero boyfriend and Cisco.

"Oh, you wish," Barry grinned, looking down at me. "You may be trained, but I'm the fastest man alive."

I pulled away from him, raising my eyebrows. "Game on, hero."

- - -

I slipped through the black light maze, dodging shots and sniping opponents with my never ending supply of lasers. It wasn't everyday I got to shoot guns, much less the nice kind of guns that didn't kill people. Well, their purpose wasn't to kill people, but according to Oliver, nearly anything could be used to harm someone. But that was beside the point.

I knew I was lurking around undetected, but I also knew that Barry could run at a speed that would make it impossible for me to see him passing by. But I'd yet to be tagged by him, which was a bit suspicious. Maybe I was that good at hiding after all. Maybe Barry just really sucked at laser tag.

I turned a corner slowly, looking out for any oncoming players. Mid-step, a gust of wind pushed me back into the darkened corner. My eyes adjusted, making out Barry's face inches from mine. One of his arms was wrapped around my waist, holding onto me as my back touched the wall.

"Gotcha," he smiled. His lips met mine, kissing passionately. I brought my free hand to his hair, tugging at his brown locks. He pulled away, watching amused as I caught my breath. One thing about Barry was that he was never winded, the annoying speedster.

But I brought my lips to his mouth again, my free hand this time going to his side. I spun us around quickly, so that he was now pressed into the corner. I broke the kiss, pulling away to see a grin on his face. My mouth curled into one of my own, but for a completely different reason than making out in a dark room to the sound of frantic foot steps and weird music blaring.

I stepped back slightly, aiming my laser gun right for Barry's chest, and pulled the trigger.

"Gotcha," I breathed out. I turned around, my feet running away from Barry, making sharp turns. And to think The Flash thought he could beat me in laser tag.

• • • • •

author's note | lol barry u loser. jk he probably ran really fast afterwards and tagged ya like 10483192 times hahah

but hey if you like some cute barry allen, check out my fanfiction Between, that brings the arrowverse together (yes, including supergirl, bc who doesn't love kara danvers?!)!

also i kinda want to make a book that's just me writing about superheroes, like facts and funny things and theories and all of that. idk. it's just an idea. just for fun. but, yeah! i love geeking out about superheroes tbh

i hope you're all doing good! thanks for your reads, votes, and comments :)

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