34. Another World Pt. 1 [B.A.]

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Another World Pt

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Another World Pt. 1
{Barry x Reader}

I walked through the dark city street, taking slow steps between my father and best friend, Barry Allen. My mind had wandered off to somewhere - I don't know where - but it recollected now, my eyes watching dark streets unfold before me. We were quiet, nothing but the chirping crickets ringing out through the cold evening.

We moved on further, in a comfortable, almost thoughtful silence. Reaching a few steps downward, I started down just two before feeling Barry's hand grasp my arm tightly. I turned to him in surprise, watching as he steadied himself with me, looking down at his shoes.

The sight was nothing out of the ordinary, his one foot and one prosthetic foot were planted firmly on one step now. I looked to his face, watching as he stared at his jeans, tugging at his pant leg of the prosthetic leg. His eyes widened at the artificial limb for a moment as if it was his first time ever seeing it, before meeting mine. Before I fully could register his look of confusion, my sight was blurred by a blinding, white light. In the midst of the white stood a man, draped in a red suit, surrounded by sparks of yellow lightning. But the vision only flickered for a few seconds, and I found myself staring into Barry's eyes again as if it never happened.

"Are you okay?" I heard my father ask. We both glanced to him, nodding.

"I just missed a step," Barry confessed, letting go of my arm. He slowly made his way down the other steps, my eyebrows furrowing as to why it looked like he forget how to take the stairs. It had been nearly two years since the night of the particle accelerator explosion, the night Barry lost his left leg. Sure, things had been difficult at first, but Barry had gotten back to the point where his artificial leg didn't slow him down a long time ago.

I hadn't realized we had made it home, but the sound of keys jingling brought my mind back to the present. My father unlocked the door, stepping inside the dark house. I knew my sister and mother were already home, probably already in bed. Barry, my father and I had been out late, helping Barry with some forensic work at the CCPD.

After slipping off my jacket and shoes, I glanced to Barry to see him already watching me. "Is everything alright?" I asked him, crossing my arms. My father looked to Barry, too.

Barry nodded, rubbing a hand against his forehead. "Yeah, I think I'm just tired."

"I know I'm tired," my dad groaned, shaking his head. "Goodnight, kids. I'll see you in the morning. And tomorrow we start apartment hunting, Barry."

Barry blinked and nodded slowly. He looked like it was his first time hearing about it. "For Y/N and I?" He asked quietly.

"I think we've lived together long enough," I laughed. "It's time for you to get your bachelor pad, or whatever."

My dad chuckled, too, shaking his head. "Hm, yeah, at this age guys like you start living with girls they like more than friends." I smiled, nodding in agreement with my dad's words. I loved Barry and all, but living alone with him? It wasn't like we were in love or anything.

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