07. Late Night Conversations [G.G.]

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Late Night Conversations
{Grant x Reader}

You glanced at the clock. 2:01 in the morning.

Grant was next to you sound asleep, exhausted after a long day of traveling back home to where you lived from filming. But you didn't feel exhausted, or tired at all. All day you had been giddy waiting for Grant's return. Even after cuddles, kisses, dinner, and a movie, you were still too awake to even think about sleeping.

Your mind racing, a million things going on in your head.

"Hey, Grant," you muttered, sitting up a little. Grant stayed asleep on his back, eyes closed and mouth a little open. "Grant?"

He stayed asleep, not moving the slightest. You sighed loudly, moving over and laying your head on his chest. "Grant? Babe?" You mumbled in his face. "Thomas?"

Finally, his eyes started fluttering open. "Y/N?" Grant asked, bringing his hands to his face, rubbing it. "Why are you awake? Are you okay?" You smiled, seeing Grant awake again. His face softened, and one of his hands rested on your back, while the other started stroking your hair.

"I can't sleep," you whispered back, "There's something on my mind."

"What is it?" He asked, eyes narrowing and eyebrows scrunching.

You flipped over on your back. "Okay," you sighed deeply, "Please be honest about this. Alright. So. The first time you put on The Flash suit, how long did it really take you? Because it just doesn't look comfortable, and I know it's not, and you're not used to wearing-"

Grant's arm reached over, and his hand covered your mouth. "Why do I put up with this?" He groaned to himself. "Okay, Y/N. Go to bed."

You grabbed Grant's arm, moving it off of you. "I'm not tired! How am I supposed to sleep when I have these sort of things running through my mind?" You exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air. You looked over at Grant, who had a hand in his face again, rubbing his temples.

"Gosh," Grant shook his head, "You're so weird."

You smirked, even though he wouldn't see it. "But you love me. And that's why you're going to stay awake with me."

Grant rolled over on his side, looking over at you with tired eyes. "You're really not tired at all?" He asked with a lazy smirk and little laugh.

"Nope," you grinned back.

He raised his eyebrows for a second, studying your face. Then he moved over swiftly, placing his hands by your face and pushing himself up over you. Your faces were inches away as he smirked down at you teasingly. His lips went down to yours quickly, kissing you slowly and softly. You responded instantly, kissing back. He rolled over to lay next to you again, never breaking the kiss. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him. When he finally pulled away, you were hugging closely, your legs entangled. You had definitely missed this.

The two of you caught your breath. Grant licked his lips, looking at you. "Are you still tired, Y/N?" He asked, cradling you.

"Uh," you sighed, a small laugh escaping your mouth. "I could sleep now. I'm comfortable."

"Good." Grant moved his lips to your neck, giving it a soft kiss. He gripped you a little tighter, as you snuggled into his chest. You had definitely missed this.

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