06. Human Lie Detector - Pt. 3 [B.A.]

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Human Lie Detector Pt. 3
{Barry x Reader}

You walked by yourself to STAR Labs, hoping to find Cisco there. You wanted to know what you'd consumed already, and you were wondering why he hadn't called Barry or you yet. You saw Cisco's and Caitlin's cars parked outside, and grinned to yourself that your trip hopefully wouldn't be a total waste.

You made your way into the big halls, heading towards the cortex when you heard Barry's voice. You stopped in your tracks, knowing eavesdropping was probably dumb, but taking the risk anyway. Wasn't Barry supposed to be at a crime scene?

"Okay, so now that he-" Barry was saying.

But Cisco cut him off, "Captain Cold."

"Captain Cold," Barry corrected himself, "Is taken care of, we need to talk about Y/N. She was very persistent that I was lying this morning when I left her, like it wasn't even her the one saying it." What was Barry doing talking about Captain Cold? Had the CCPD put him away today? But at the mention of your name, you forgot about Cold and Barry, thinking as to what Cisco might say about your weird 'condition' this morning.

"The test results should be done in exactly one minute," Cisco said, "How is she doing though?"

"Okay, I think," Barry said, "I left her at my house and told her I'd be back soon. But...
Cisco, is there any chance you could've made something that lets people know when someone else is lying?"

You knew it. You knew Barry was lying.

"In this lab, anything's possible," Cisco replied, "You're proof yourself." He was? Probably because he survived being struck by lightning after being moved here all that time ago.

"Gosh," Barry shook his head, "If that's somehow true... what do I do? Won't she figure things out?" Figure what things out? You wanted to barge in now, but decided against it, wondering if you would hear anything more useful.

"Barry," came Caitlin's calming voice, "It's alright. If she's the impossible, then it's okay if she knows that you are, too."

"I just want to protect her," Barry replied, his voice cracking. Your heart was racing, a million questions racing in your head.

"And you have," Caitlin answered.

Protect you?

"It's done," Cisco exclaimed, "It's done!" You could hear their footsteps, probably heading towards Cisco. You held your breath in anticipation of the news about yourself.

"Barry... you were right," Cisco said quietly, but just loud enough that you could hear it. "Y/N is basically a human lie detector."

"No," Barry whispered, "That's impossible."

Your heart stopped, and your fists clenched. How could this be happening?

"Apparently you are, too," you muttered, finally stepping into the cortex. The three of them turned to see you, everyone's face going white as ghosts. But it wasn't their reaction that shocked you or made your heart race again. It was finally seeing what was behind that wall they always had closed.

The Flash's suit.

They all rushed over to you, Cisco holding a clipboard of what you assumed were the results.

"Y/N," Caitlin said, "How are you feeling?"

"Fine," you said, looking straight at Barry. "So, Barry Allen, you're The Flash?" You pushed past them, admiring the red suit on a mannequin. You shook your head, turning back to look at them.

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