09. The Christmas Spirit [G.G.]

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The Christmas Spirit
{Grant x Reader}

You were standing in the Christmas isle of your new hometown's store, staring up at the beautiful box of ornaments on the top shelf. You sighed, staring longingly at them, knowing that your height of 5'2 wouldn't be even close to reaching the box.

Stepping back slightly, you watched as a guy walked in front of you. You raised an eyebrow as he walked away, his height an impressive feature.

"Excuse me?" You called, obviously to the only other person in the isle. As he looked at you, you looked up at the box. "Do you think you could reach that for me? I'm kind of... short." You looked down at the ground, a little embarrassed, but let out a soft laugh.

You heard the guy laugh, almost a familiar laugh. When you looked up, he was standing there, reaching for your box. He grabbed it and turned around, ready to hand it to you. When he showed his face, your breath hitched. There was no way this could be happening.

You take the box graciously, placing it down the ground before you. "Thank you so much," you gushed. Now was the time to not make a fool of yourself in front of the one and only Grant Gustin. He pushed up his glasses grinning at you.

"It's no problem," Grant smiled back, and you felt like dying.

"You're a life saver," you said, shaking your head, "I mean, literally. Not just on your TV show." You hand flew to your mouth, covering it. "I'm sorry!"

He laughed loudly to your surprise,
and was that a blush of his own he was sporting? "Don't be sorry! It's my pleasure to save the life of a pretty girl. Even if it was just grabbing some Christmas ornaments. I saved the Christmas spirit, right?" He looked undoubtedly adorable, his face a little pink, his mouth turned up in one of those priceless smiles of his.

You knew you were blushing furiously now, wondering why he was being so friendly and talkative to an obvious fan. Don't celebrities get tired of getting flagged down all the time by crazed fans and staying hours listening and signing autographs and taking tired pictures?

"Well," you sighed with a smile, "You're very sweet. And definitely saved the Christmas spirit."

Grant smiled back kindly, running a hand through his hair. "It's really no problem. By the way, I'm Grant. Does the pretty girl have a name?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry," you nodded, sticking out your hand, "I'm Y/N."

"Don't be sorry, Y/N!" He laughed again.

"I know this just be weird, but, could you take a picture with me?" You asked quietly, a little nervous to ask.

"I'm actually sort of in a hurry," Grant frowned, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, yeah, okay, that's fine," you said in a rushed voice, shaking your head. You understood, but you were very disappointed that you couldn't capture this iconic moment.

"But I could repay you," Grant offered, "Maybe we could take one Friday night along with a cup of coffee?"

Your eyes lit up, and you nodded. "Really? That's bold of you." You laughed.

"I'm a bold sort of guy," Grant shrugged, "Sometimes."

"Gotcha," you smiled back. "But, yeah, I'm down for coffee Friday night."

Grant stepped back a little, looking a little surprised. "Really?" He asked. You laughed again, nodding. Where did his superstar confidence go?

"Absolutely," you nodded, "You do have to repay me back for no picture, you know?" Grant smiled in agreement. You couldn't believe this was actually happening. How was this happening?

"You're right," he nodded, "So, um, could I get your number real quick?" He slipped his phone out of his pocket, staring down at you with those handsome eyes of his.

"You know, we would've had time to take a picture by now," you said, raising your eyebrows.

"But then I would've missed the oppurtunity to ask you a date, Y/N," Grant sighed, shaking his head, "Come on, I'm trying to be slick."

You couldn't help but laugh at how cute he was. He was soft spoken and kind, and on the inside, you were freaking out. Grant Gustin just asked you on a date. Grant. Gustin.

"Very slick," you agreed. "And this is my number." You gave it to him, watching him type it into your contacts and putting in your name, a cute blue heart next to it.

"I'll text you now," he said.

Your phone buzzed and you slipped it out of your pocket, seeing an unknown number on your phone. "Got it," you smiled.

"Great," Grant nodded, "I'll see you soon then." He winked, making your knees buckle.

"Can't wait."

"Feelings mutual," Grant nodded, "And Merry Christmas, Y/N."

As he walked away, you watched in amazement. This was truly unbelievable. After paying for your ornaments and leaving the store, you sat in your car, still in disbelief. You slid your phone out of your
pocket, reading Grant's message to you.

UNKNOWN: excited for coffee friday with you, Y/N ;) - grant g

You grinned, your fingers flying over the keyboard.

Y/N: and i'm excited for coffee with the man who saved christmas and central city ;) - Y/N

GRANT GUSTIN: anything for a pretty girl and a fake city, of course

• • • • •

author's note | this one wasn't the best and i'm sorry for that! but i guess it's kind of cute, right? anyway, thank you for reading :)

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