25. Until Death Do Us Part [B.A.]

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Until Death Do Us Part
{Barry x Reader}

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author's note | from now on, i'm going to be writing in the first person. so here you go :) enjoy

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My head was splitting.

My eyelids felt heavy, but with the sharp smell of gasoline in the air, I knew I had to force them open somehow. I felt pain shoot through my entire body as I unsuccessfully tried to stand up. I looked down, angrily noticing ropes tightly wrapped around my body, holding me to a chair.

My mind searched for answers as to what was going on, but I came up with no explanation for myself.

"Ah, and so The Flash's girlfriend finally awakens," a taunting voice called out. I let my eyes adjust to the dark room around me, but I was unable to find the source of the voice. I blinked hard, still unable to make out anything in the shadows surrounding me.

"I... I'm not anyone's girlfriend," I stammered, my chest tightening. So, I'd been kidnapped by someone who thought I was The Flash's girlfriend. Great.

"I'm not stupid," the voice sighed, "You're the scientist from STAR Labs, and I know Flash has gone out of his way multiple times to save you."

I sighed. So this person didn't know The Flash's identity, or that I was actually Barry Allen's fiancé.

"Saving people is kind of his thing," I spat, tasting the metallic flavor of my own blood.

"And so are you, apparently," the voice laughed. Finally, my captor stepped out into the light, standing just a few feet in front of me. I sighed in frustration. It was a metahuman that started wreaking havoc on Central City just a few weeks ago - some guy who could control the movement of fire. Just my luck.

"So, what is this?" I asked, "Are you going to kill me or am I bait?"

"What kind of villain tells his plans?" He asked, staring at me in disgust.

I groaned, rolling my eyes. But that only caused my headache to worsen. My body slumped a little, tiredness and pain spiraling throughout every inch of me. Where in the world was Barry? Well, first of all, where in the world was I?

"I wouldn't give me attitude if I was you," he threatened. A flame grew behind him out of the ground that was covered in gasoline. Apparently creating fire was added to his skill set.

"I think it's time to put those flames out!"

I turned around as much as I could in the uncomfortable chair, seeing my scarlet speedster standing behind me tall. My eyes widened, thankful that he had arrived.

"Y/N," Barry breathed, rushing over to me. Before I knew it, I was pulled out of the ropes, Barry's hands holding me up. "Are you okay? Can you get away?" My mind swirled, thinking of the right answer.

But before I could answer, a hot flame licked towards us. Barry flashed us to the side of the darkened room, missing the burning ambush. "Get out of here," Barry ordered, staring at me.

I nodded, unable to speak. I turned to go, just as Barry let go of me. But as Barry's grasp loosened, I felt myself fall to the ground. I let out a cry of pain, panic washing over me quickly. I turned back to Barry, who was successfully dodging all of the evil metahuman's flames. I glanced down at my legs, just noticing that I had large burns all down each leg. In the adrenaline of everything, I hadn't realized that I had been so badly injured everywhere.

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