51. About Your Future [B.A. + G.G.]

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About Your Future

Where You Got Married
Barry - Right by the water in Central City on a sunny, unexpectedly low crime-rate day in June
Grant - In your hometown during the evening, where the clouds and sun blended together in the most breathtaking sunset you two had ever seen

Wedding Vows
Barry - "Gosh, this is pretty nerve wracking, isn't it? Ah, oh, well.... I've always loved you. Before I knew I loved you, I loved you. You're my best friend, my favorite girl, and I'm just - just so excited to spend the rest of my with you. I promise with every bone inside of me to always try to be the perfect man for you. I will always protect you, and never, ever stop loving you. And when things get hard, I will remind us of the good times. I love your laugh, your smile, the way you get worried when my job gets dangerous - because you know, forensic scientist, sometimes things get... weird. Uhm. The thing is, I love you. I always have, I always will. You are the best thing about me. I will never stop being your knight in shining armor."
Grant - "You look beautiful. My beautiful bride. Wow. I love you. I'm very in love with you, with everything you do. I promise to love you for as long as we both shall live, no matter what. I can't wait to live everyday with you, to be your husband. I just want to promise to you that I will always try my hardest when things get rough, that I will always help you, that I will always love you, and everything more. Have I told you look beautiful yet? Because you do. Can I kiss her now? ....Not yet? ....Oh, okay. I can't wait to kiss you. I love you."

Favorite Date Nights
Barry - Bowling at his favorite spot in the city. Or saving the day, if that counts. Or those fancy dinner dates at your guys' favorite restaurant. As long as you're with Barry, you're honestly okay with doing anything.
Grant - Since you guys have to travel a lot due to Grant's line of work, it's always changing. When around New York, you guys love going to see Broadway shows together. When you're in Vancouver, you guys love just staying home, cuddling, and ordering pizza. When you're hanging out California, you guys love to explore, walk the dogs, and head for coffee dates.

Names You Picked Out For Your Future Kids
Barry - Kara, Beatrice, Amelia, Iris, Laurel, Harrison, Oliver, Henry, Parker, Edward
Grant - Rylee, Bree, Gwen, Skye, Lane, Hunter, Landon, Elliott, Clark

First Married Valentine's Day
Barry - It was sort of ruined by a metahuman attack with something against love. But it's alright, because Barry salvaged the night with the biggest bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, and a back massage. God bless his soul.
Grant - You guys spent it in Los Angeles, with a fancy dinner reservation and lots of cuddles with him (and Jett and Nora, of course).

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author's note | something different, short, & sweet for us ;)

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