12. Not Much of a Poetry Guy [B.A.]

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Not Much of a Poetry Guy
(Barry x Reader)

Cisco and Caitlin walked into Barry's office at the CCPD hurriedly. He hadn't answered his calls all day, and knowing Barry, that had to mean something was wrong. They walked in, to find Barry at his desk, crumpling a piece of paper and leaning back in his chair.

"Barry," Caitlin frowned, "What is going on? You haven't answered your calls all day."

Barry looked over at them, his face turning a little red. He grabbed some papers from around his desk, stacking them quickly and setting them down again. "Sorry," he sighed, "Is there an emergency?"

"That's what we should be asking you," Cisco said. They walked to Barry's desk, their eyes trailing over what Barry was working on.

"I'm sorry," Barry said again, standing up and pushing his chair in quickly. "I've just got a lot going on. I'm backed up."

"Hey, guys!" They all looked to the doorway to see Iris walking in. "I didn't know you guys were here! I was just coming to see Barry, dad said it's a slow day for you." Caitlin and Cisco turned to Barry, crossing their arms and narrowing their eyes at him.

Barry sighed, looking at the floor. He was caught.

"Slow day, huh?" Cisco asked.

"What?" Iris questioned, "Is something wrong?"

"We were just asking Barry the same thing," Caitlin sighed, looking at Iris. Iris' eyes widened, glancing at Barry.

"Everything is fine," Barry huffed, walking away. He started walking through the crowded shelves aimlessly, trying to get away from the group.

His friends all gave each other worried looks.

"If this is about everything that's happening, we know it's hard, Barry," Caitlin said softly, stepping forward.

"It's really not about what you think," Barry called out.

"Then what is it about?" Iris pleaded.

Barry didn't reply, but disappeared out of sight behind a shelf. They heard him sigh deeply, which caused another shared look of worry. Cisco turned to Barry's desk, rummaging through the papers. Caitlin and Iris gave him a look, but he shrugged and continued searching.

Cisco pulled out a paper, his eyes scanning it quickly. A smile tugged at his mouth as he held it up. "What's this?" He mouthed to the girls. They ran over, looking over Cisco's shoulder at the piece of notebook paper.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, I wish I could write better poetry for you," Iris whispered with a giggle, reading off the paper. The group let out a confused laugh. Before they knew it, Barry was in front of them, having snatched the poem from Cisco's hand.

"Barry!" Iris laughed, holding onto her stomach. "What is that?"

"Stop it," Barry groaned, turning away from them. He folded the paper and shoved it into his pocket with super speed.

"Barry," Iris tried again, "We're sorry for laughing. You just don't seem like a poetry kind of guy."

"It's because I'm not," Barry sighed, looking back at his friends.

"So who was that for?" Caitlin asked curiously. "If you're not a poetry guy, she must be special."

"Oh, it's obvious," Cisco laughed. "It's for Y/N."

"Cisco!" Barry speeded back around, so he was standing next to Cisco, looking down at him upset. "Cisco, I told you not to say anything."

"Oh my gosh," Iris beamed, "We all know you like her, Barry. The way you look at her, the way you talk about her, everything."

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