11. Who? [B.A.]

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Who?{Barry x Reader}

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{Barry x Reader}

1. Who is the cuddler? Is that even a question? You both are always down for cuddling. And Barry's amazing at cuddling.

2. Who makes the bed? You do. Even though Barry's got his speed, he's one of the most lazy human beings out there when it comes to chores. You don't know how he kept his home clean before you two were married.

3. Who wakes up first? Depends on the day. Barry's a classic millennial, sometimes in love with sleeping all the time and sometimes waking up early for a morning run (because it's not like he does that all the time or something.)

4. Who has the weird taste in music? You thought it was you and your obsession with musical numbers. Well, until one day when you heard Barry singing one of your favorite songs from Aida. And that's when you knew you found true love.

5. Who is more protective? It's always been Barry. He's The Flash, being protective is a major piece of him. But, honestly, you like it. You like feeling safe in Barry's arms and you like when he defends you. But, we know - you'd still jump in front of a car for your handsome speedster.

6. Who sings in the shower? You both do, but Barry definitely sings louder. It's a good thing he's actually an amazing singer. How is that fair? Super speed, incredible voice, and hot?

7. Who cries during movies? Again, it's both of you. Usually you start first, then Barry cuddles you for comfort, but seeing you cry makes him do the same. But it's not so bad being on the same wavelength as your boyfriend. But he promised that if you told anyone, he'd have to release one of your most embarrassing secrets.

8. Who spend the most time while out shopping? You, of course. Barry learned to stop accompanying you on shopping trips long ago.

9. Who kisses more roughly? Barry kisses softly, passionately, romantically, gently, and builds it up into the most beautiful and magical kiss you've had. Every. Single. Time.

10. Who asks the weird questions in the middle of the night? Do science questions count as weird ones? Because Barry just loves waking you up for science questions you wouldn't even understand. Which usually results to a pillow getting aimed at his face, which of course, he always catches before because he's just so super. But if it's down to just pure weird questions, that's definitely you...

11. Who prefers rain and who prefers sun? You prefer rain. You love it - the sound, the beauty, sitting by a window and watching a storm. But Barry prefers sun, because stormy nights and rain bring back bad memories. Which you think fits him nicely anyway, since he's such a bright person.

12. Who is more likely to burn dinner? Hands down, you. Barry usually has to super speed around the kitchen cleaning up after your mess and making sure you don't burn yourself or the food.

13. Who stays up all the night to read? Barry stays up reading textbooks (because he's absolutely insane) and you like to fall asleep with your head on his lap. But sometimes, he'll fall asleep first while you're reading one of your novels, his head on your lap.

14. Who is ticklish? You. And Barry likes to take advantage of that.

15. Who hogs the blankets? Barry. But it's okay, because that just means you always have an excuse to cuddle up to him, because he's a great sense of heat. Probably comes with being extraordinarily hot and being able to produce lightning when he runs fast, but, who cares? More cuddles, right?

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author's note | i saw most of these questions on tumblr and i thought it would be fun to do with barry! i don't know? what did you think? it was pretty fun to write soooo yeah :)

what if i did a grant one? would anyone be interested in that?

wellllll, i hope you enjoyed ⚡️

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