14. Fast & Strong - Pt. 2 [B.A.]

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Fast & Strong Pt. 2
{Barry x Reader}

You were awake, but your eyes were closed shut. You weren't sure where you were, so your other senses started working quickly, trying to imagine your surroundings.

You heard the beeping of medical machines. A hospital? It didn't smell like a hospital, though. Not clean enough, yet not contaminated enough. Voices started to become clearer, and you knew who was speaking right away. Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin, the people from Jitters, before you passed out because of a fire alarm.

Your eyes opened quickly, fluttering and adjusting to the bright light of the room. The three of them flew to your side, Barry somehow being there in less than a second. You blinked, trying to remember everything and figure out just where you were.

"Hey, Y/N," Barry said softly, "It's nice to see you again."

"Barry," Caitlin groaned, pushing past him, "Hello, Y/N. It's Caitlin, from Jitters this morning. You're at STAR Labs right now."

You sat up quickly, shocked and scared. Had these people kidnapped you? Taken you to the place that seemingly ruined your life?

"Whoa, slow down," Caitlin said, putting a hand on your arm. "You passed out at Jitters after a fire started."

"I know," you said, furrowing your eyebrows together. "Why am I here?"

"You passed out for no reason," Cisco said, making a face at you. All you did was stare in response. "What? No thank you for helping you out?"

"Cisco," Barry snapped, looking over at his friend.

"Right," Cisco sighed, "She's a metahuman who could take me down." He rolled his eyes, and started walking away from the bed. You clutched the thin blanket over you, looking back and forth between the three of them. What did he just call you?

"What?" You asked, watching Cisco walk away.

"It's okay," Caitlin said quickly, "Cisco's just a little shocked right now, sorry. But really, it's okay, Y/N. We're here to help."

You crossed your arms, wanting to shrink away from her. They tested you, they knew, they knew all about you and your secret. You looked at the ground, feeling ashamed.

"They helped me," Barry admitted quietly. You looked up at the cute boy slowly, wondering what he could mean. "They helped me control my powers, like you were wondering before."

You blinked at him, still confused. You just wanted to cry from all of this confusion and fear. What were they going to do with you? Keep you as a lab experiment?

"We know some of the things you're capable of," Caitlin explained, causing you to look back at her. "Hypersensitive hearing, smell and vision. And, well, test results are coming back showing that you have an incredible amount of strength for someone of your size and stature." She looked at you, curiosity in her eyes.

"You didn't have the right to test me like that," you shook your head, closing your eyes in frustration.

"You're lucky we didn't bring you to an actual hospital," Cisco spoke up from a desk across the room.

"Y/N," Barry said again, "Don't be upset, please. We're all here to help. This team helped me." You bit your lip, watching the cute, scientist speak with passion and kindness.

"What are you?" You asked him, your voice low.

A breeze passed over you. When you pushed your hair out of your eyes, The Flash was standing right in front of you. The Flash saved people. The Flash... saved you?

"I'm... The Flash." The man in the red suit pulled off his hood, revealing Barry.

"Oh," you breathed.

"Sorry," Barry sighed, shaking his head. "I know this is a lot take in. Trust me, I know."

"But Flash - Barry - is right," Caitlin promised, "We can help you."

"Yeah," Cisco nodded, walking back over, "We just don't know what you want."

You were speechless. Obviously you wanted help, but you never really thought you'd get it. Much less from The Flash himself. What were the odds of all of this?

"I want help," you finally choked out. "I want to know how to control my powers. I... I want to use them for good, like you do, Flash." You looked over at Barry, who was smiling. It looked great on him - the suit, the smile, everything.

"Then that's what you'll do," Barry said, walking over to your bedside. He placed a gloved hand over your bare one slowly.

"Alright," you agreed. "Well, uh, thank you, everyone."

"It's what we do," Caitlin sighed, looking down at you with a soft smile. Even Cisco's face softened, as he nodded at you. Meeting Barry's eyes again you saw his excited and confident smile.

"Really," you sighed, another rush of relief filling you, "Thank you so much."

Barry, The Flash, was finally giving you the hope to be a hero to the people, instead of the monster that became of you.

• • • • •

author's note | aaaand here's part two! lol congrats, you're a metahuman ;) n don't worry, there's more fluff to come in the third and final part of this!

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