03. Don't Bleed On My Floor [B.A.]

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Don't Bleed On My Floor{Barry x Reader}

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Don't Bleed On My Floor
{Barry x Reader}

"For goodness sake, Barry," you groaned, "Don't bleed on my floor!" You looked down at your boyfriend, Barry, laying on your carpeted living room floor, with one of his dorky smiles on his face. There were cuts all over his left arm, shallow, but very bloody, ones. They were already healing, thankfully. According to Barry, he had gotten into a bit of a fight with a few of Oliver Queen's arrows. Barry didn't like training with Oliver, but still went along with it for some crazy reason. At least this time the arrows didn't go straight through him. But he'd still raced up to your apartment afterwards, collapsing on the ground.

"Glad to see you don't crack under trauma," Barry noted, nodding his head. He moved slowly but surely, propping himself up against the couch.

"This is one of the least traumatic things you've put me through, Barry Allen," you sighed, grabbing some cleaning supplies from the closet. "Why don't you go shower and I'll clean up the mess you made?"

"And you can order food?" He asked, standing up off the floor.

"Babe," You rolled your eyes, "It would be a thousand times quicker if you just ran out and grabbed it yourself." You started to clean up the blood off the floor, hearing Barry's loud sigh.

"Yeah, fine," Barry nodded. "I'll grab a pizza after I shower. And, Y/N, thanks for cleaning up after me." He laughed at the sight of you on your knees, scrubbing the dark red off the floor.

"Two pieces for me, six for you?" You asked, looking back up at him with a teasing smile.

"Well," he laughed, "10,000 cal-"

"I know," You nodded, "10,000 calories a day. Now go shower and let those wounds heal before you get more blood everywhere."

"Got it," Barry nodded. He speeded over to you, on his knees by your side. He brushed his lips against your temple for a second. "Thank you, beautiful." He speeded back to the hallway entrance. You smile at him, shaking your head at his dorkiness.

You finished cleaning the carpet, wondering if this would be something you'd have to get used to. For the sake of Barry not losing an immense amount of blood, you hoped not. But for the sake of being the one to clean up after Barry, to be the one he ran to, you were alright with it.

After a while, Barry walked back down the hall, wearing nothing but his jeans. You were sitting on the couch across from the hall reading, and at the sight of him, it was like you couldn't breathe.

"Like what you see?" He asked, winking at you. He started walking over you, a smirk on his face.

"It's alright," you shrugged, looking back at the book in your hands.

"Oh, shut up, Y/N," Barry laughed, your book getting ripped gently from your hands. You looked up at your boyfriend, still amazed by every aspect of him. "You know you like it."

"Well, I'm dating it," you raised your eyebrows. You sighed and pulled his arm towards you, inspecting the wounds. They were just thin scabs now, almost healed. When you looked back at him, his mouth crashed into yours. You kissed back immediately, his hands on the couch's back by your head.

The kissing was interrupted by a loud grumbling, to which we both pulled away laughing.

"I'm sorry," Barry chuckled, "I'm hungry. I'm going to grab the pizza now."

"Okay, Flash," you nodded, pecking his lips one last time. "But, babe, you might want to put on a shirt first." You rested your hand on his bare chest, smirking up at him.

"Ah, good idea," he agreed, "You take such good care of me." He leaned back, standing straight up. He disappeared for a second to come back in front of you with a cute red, plaid shirt on.

"Very cute," you nodded, "Now go get us a pizza."

He smiled, pulling out a pizza box from behind his back. "Already done," he sighed, sinking into the couch next to you.

"Did you leave money?" You asked, narrowing your eyes at him.

"Of course!" Barry said, sounding offended. "I'm a superhero! Superheroes don't steal."

"That was just so fast," you shook your head.

"You know, they call me the fastest man alive for a reason," Barry rolled his eyes, opening up the pizza box.

"And dating the fastest man alive definitely
pays off," you smiled, grabbing a slice, "Thank you, superhero boyfriend."

Barry leaned over, kissing your cheek softly. "Anything for you, honey." As he grabbed a piece, you noticed a small bruise just above his wrist.

"Gosh, did Oliver do that, too?" You asked, using one hand to point to the purple mark.

"Uh, yeah, no," Barry sighed.

"What? Did you stop a villain on the way home?" You asked, meeting Barry's eyes.

"Er, no," Barry sighed again. "I... I sort of... I... ran into the door at the pizza place. I know! Stupid! But it really hurt." He pouted, and you couldn't help but laugh.

"Barry!" You laughed, "How did you do that? You have super speed. You had more than enough time to watch out for a doorframe!" You couldn't stop giggling at Barry's clumsiness, even as a speedster.

"I know, I know," Barry sighed, "Just... kiss it better instead of laughing at me?"

"You're so lucky your pouty face is adorable," you smiled, grabbing his arm. You brought it up to your mouth, kissing softly on the already fading mark. "Now, pizza?" You grinned, holding up your first slice.

"Yes, now pizza," Barry grinned, "Bon appetite my love."

If this is how recovery sessions with Barry would go, they wouldn't be so bad. You just wished that there wouldn't be many of them to come, but just kisses and pizza for fun.

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