UGH! Wattpad, Why Must You Do This To Me?

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Wattpad is being a naughty little app right now, as it's not giving me all my notifications until like a hour later—or I don't get a notification AT ALL!

So, if I hadn't responded to one of your comments, PMs, updates, etc. please know that I'm not ignoring you, I just hadn't gotten the notification.

For that, I sincerely apologize.

Please forgive me.

You can try being like 'hey, why haven't you responded to this' and probably by the time I got it, it might just be the next day... unfortunately.

This is a real downer because I can't spread my weirdness with anyone anymore... No comments, no PMs, no weirdness—isn't that sad?

Howl it with me now!


Bye, lovelies Wolfies! Stay gorgeous!

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