I was tagged/about me(old post in another book that I decided to put here)

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Yeah... I was tagged by StarWarsMao.
    And I have to do twenty-six things about moi.
     Here we go.

1. I'm live in the United States of America.

2. Does having a dog that acts(expect for barking and eating dog food) and basically look like a cat count as having a cat? But I can go either way since I'm used to both dogs and cats. And if I had to choose, I would choose to be a dog person. Mostly because my favorite pet, Missie—bless her soul—was a dog and the most sweetest thing ever! Now I should stop before I make this too long.

3. I love to run! It helps with my autism, don't ask me how, it just does. And my post-anorexia(before you think that, I eat enough now, over one thousand, don't know exact numbers though—it saids POST— and when I do run, I don't have it nagging at me anymore, and it's MUCH less than it used to be. I have more control than I used to). Now I run for fun.

4. English is my main language.  That I understand the most. Basically it's my only language, but I do know simple sayings in different languages. Expect I don't know how to write them.

5. I know how to say 'hello, how are you?' and 'good' in Spanish. And some numbers. Only a few off the top of my head. Also, 'yes' and 'no'.

6.  I know how to say 'hello' in French. And 'One moment please'? I think it's in French.

7. I also know to say 'hello' in Japanese and the Mr. Roberto phase.

8. My favorite animal is a wolf. And a dragon.

9. I love reading(why else would I be here?)

10. Writing.

11. Those quiet times where I have alone. Love them.

12. I am a Christian. I'm part of The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

13. Eragon fanfics are awesome!

14. I wish that Eragon and Arya got together.

15. Watermelon, pineapples, apples, strawberries are a few of my favorite fruits.

16. I'm eating a homemade shepherd's pie(pulled pork/ beef, peas, a real mashed potatoes rather than the instant kind in a bread loaf thing) currently.

17. I never been to a eating disorder place because my mom noticed how I was acting and stop me from starving myself even further(I was still eating, but I wasn't eating enough. Make sense?)

18. I'm learning how to retrain my brain to eat when I'm hungry and to stop when I'm satisfied. I'm doing good!

19. For those who are concerned: Yes, I'm over one hundred pounds. Actually I need to lose 10 pounds to be at a healthy weight, because I had a bit of a bingeing problem. Haha. I went from anorexia to bingeing. Does anyone else see the irony in that? *Clears throat* Never mind.

20. I really don't like to talk about my eating habits. But I also don't want you to think I'm starving myself when I'm not.

21. I'm weird.

22. I also listen to Christian music. I love the upbeat ones. Mercyme is awesome!

23. My BFF and I from different faiths(both Christian, but different branches of it) and we would talk about religious topics in public, and people look at us weirdly.

24. My best friend and I are a silly bunch. We would talk nonstop. And we wouldn't serious at all. Haha! It's so much fun! Though people would look at us like we are crazy, but whatever.

25. I prefer moving around than standing still or sitting. It makes me shake my leg(which my mom hates) if I'm in a place for too long, especially if it's crowded.

26. I have a stress ball(well... it's one of the those squishy fake spikes things) in my coat if I ever feel like I'm about to have a overload. By overload I mean, my body is processing too much information at once and I have what looks like a tantrum. Haven't had once in a while, which is good.

Don't I have to tag people now?

Apparently I can tag as many people as I want.

People I tagged are:


I would do others, but I have to get up early so I can go for my morning run(!), so I won't. Also, I enjoy morning runs.

Plus... it was one I wanted to do. 👆🏻

Hehehehe 😏😎😜😇😄😂

Bye now!

Bye, lovelies! Stay beautiful!
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