Aggressive Shippers *Rant*

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I found this on another book but I forgot what it is called. I have a feeling that it was called something along the lines of 'Fangirl Problems' though I can't imagine why. 😜 :P

Haha! 😂

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Haha! 😂

I feel this way about EragonxArya. That ship sank in book two.

    She was all "You're too young for me and you'll never be able to have the experiences that I have in the century that I have been alive and blah, blah, blah."

    Eragon was like "Hey, we can make this work!"

    Arya was like "No we can't you're too young for me and human feelings always changes." 

   And I was like "Just kiss would ya?!"

I felt like the people in the book.


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Yeah. They better share a kiss in book five. Or I will have some words with a certain author!

Also the worst thing about it is in the movie(which basically only resembles the book by the names) they act if they were going to be some romance between the two. There's not! 😠😡

"Tomorrow we'll see each other again."

- Arya from Eragon(Movie)

""My feelings for you," she said, "are those of a friend and nothing more...""

-Arya from Eragon(book)

-Arya from Eragon(book)

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You know what I say to that?

You know what I say to that?

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Kiss, I say, kiss!

Kiss, I say, kiss!

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That's better.

Now was that so hard?

Yes, I looked up them kissing. Don't judge me—almost all Eragon fans have done it so we can pretend that they have done it.

Rant over.

Howl it with me now!


Bye, lovelies Wolfies! Stay beautiful!

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