Here It Comes! (G)

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I felt it. It's coming! It's here!

Here Comes The Sun(Here Comes The Pain Version)

Here comes the pain (doo doo doo doo)
Here comes the pain, and I say
It's not all right
Little red, it's been a lovely winter without you
Little red, it feels like years since it's been here(which is a good thing)
Here comes the pain
Here comes the pain, and I say
It's not all right
Little red, the frowns returning to the faces
Little red, it seems like years since it's been here(which is a good thing)
Here comes the pain
Here comes the pain, and I say
It's not all right
Pain, pain, pain, here it comes
Pain, pain, pain, here it comes
Pain, pain, pain, here it comes
Pain, pain, pain, here it comes
Pain, pain, pain, here it comes
Little red, I feel that ice is slowly icing up
Little red, it seems like years since it's been clear before you came
Here comes the pain
Here comes the pain, and I say
It's not all right
Here comes the pain
Here comes the pain, and I say
It's not all right
It's not all right

*Originally written by George Harrison, changed by Eragonwolflover*

Howl it with me now!


Bye, lovelies Wolfies! Stay beautiful!

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