WHAT?!?!?! Huh?! How?!?!

27 4 13

I already have two thousands reads?!?!


I swear that mere two crab caking of a day ago I was at 1.64K(I think) reads.
     How did I get like 400 reads in two days?!
ojgandy97 did you make 400 Wattpad accounts just so I could reach the 2K? 🤔
     Because that's the only thing I can think of. 'Cuz I don't think that, that many people would read this book in that little of time.
     Then again I have been told I'm very interesting.
      And a lot of people are commenting and voting...
      *The reason finally settled in like all those 'duh!' moments you had*

     Oh. 😮

     That's why.
     So, ojgandy97 , you didn't make 400 Wattpad accounts just to make me feel good about myself?

Another question I have is how Wolfies Role Play already have 52 reads?! I was expecting only like ten maybe, but 52?! ojgandy97 are you hiding some people with computers to just hit 'add' and vote? Or is it people coming from this and over to there?
I will never know.
But ojgandy97 is this the mischievous thing you were planning? To make a bunch of Wattpad accounts and get me a lot of reads so I would have a reason to update? *Raises eyebrow* Hmmm. 🤔

I will never know where all those people came from, but I'm just glad they're here.

Hello to anyone reading,

Thank you for making it this far and dealing with all my goofiness.
Also for reading my story. And for commenting and voting. If you're a silent reader, that's fine, and thank you for reading anyways.
I love you all!
Thank you so, so much! I honestly can't express my gratitude through words, but this is the closest thing I could get to. So please accept my apology for not being able to express my feelings fully—but wholeheartedly—even when I'm a writer and that's kinda of my job.
Thank you all from the bottom of my wolf-loving heart!

Love, hopefully your favorite author,


Thanks you so much, Wolfies, I literally wouldn't be here without you!

Bye, lovelies Wolfies! Stay gorgeous!

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