What's a Quidditch?

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His voice rings out across the field, more commanding than he intends it to be. The broom is one moment on the ground and the next in his hand, which stings from the sudden impact. A hushed silence falls over everyone as they turn to stare at him. Even the teacher. He stares at it with wide eyes. 

Um. Brooms didn't normally just jump into your hand when you told them to. Right?

The professor commands everyone to keep going before making her way over to him. She stands in front of him with her head cocked to the side slightly. "Who are you?"

He doesn't know what to do except answer her. "Percy Jackson. Uh... Professor Snape put me in this .. class."

She nods as if this is all the info she needs. "I'm Madame Hooch. I take care of flying courses and of course Quidditch here at Hogwarts. That's a powerful voice you have on. I wonder if it translates to your flying as well."

"Exscuse me?" Percy asks with a very undignified squeak. Him and flying don't exactly get along. And what in Hades is Quidditch?!

But Madame Hooch had already walked back to where she was standing before. She tells everyone to climg onto their broom and lift off the ground just slightly. She threatens that is they lift off higher than a foot that they'll loose thirty points for their house whatever that means.

Again Percy watches everyone else do it. They all seem to have relative success, although many keep shooting him looks as if just waiting to see what the holding will do. He imitates them by climbing on the broom. He closes his eyes and imagines himself floating just above the ground. When he opens his eyes he realizes that it worked. 

He grimices, wondering if Zeus will strike him down even on a broom or if he will simply laugh. Knowing how cruel Zeus can be he will probably broadcast it to all of Olympus and grab a bag of popcorn to sit back and watch.

Then Hooch gives the cammand to fly around the goal post (a set of three very tall rings) at the end field  and back. He lifts farther off the ground and tilts farward focusing on what he is about to do. Then he is off, the wind rushing past his face as he overtakes the others. A yell of excitement rips from his troat and lashes out behind him. It is thrilling to move forward on nothing but a broom. Doing this he feels like he can do anything. 


He had flown!He had actually flown! And the sky had remained a crystal clear blue the entire time. Okay, so maybe he doesn't really remember much of it, the whole fear of getting struck down by the king of the gods really worries a guy, but the point is that is was somehow exhilarating. And Madame Hooch seems beyond impressed, insisting he join the Quidditch(whatever that is) team.

He now follows the fast paced Professor down a lot of hallways and even some stairs until they come to a large wooden door. She pushes it open without knocking and Percy follows her in.

Snape is sitting at a large desk, seemingly lost in thought. When they enter his head snaps up and his eyes narrow. "Yes?"

Madame Hooch grins. "You have a natural here Snape. I would even venture to say he's as good as Mr. Potter."

Snape seems to ponder this for a second. "What is it you are suggesting I do Madame?"

"Well put him on the team of course! Friday's match is against Gryffindor. It will be the perfect time to test his skills."

"I have a full team already. I can't just put him in."

Madame Hooch's grin widens. "Make him the Seeker. Mr. Malfoy has been doing quite poorly anyways."

Percy Jackson Goes to HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now