In Trouble Already

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Once she they finish the explanation, Mcgonagall pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs. She doesn't look happy with this recent turn of events. Percy settles back into the chair and crosses his arms. He can just tell that without having done anything the blame will fall to him. It always does. For the knocked over trains, the burning buildings and even with the nymphs over broken branches. 

Finally the professor speaks, but her attention is directed only at the twins. "You boys have cause much trouble already this morning and will have to be punished." Now she turns to Percy."As for you I am not entirely sure what to do. We will have to wait for Dumbledore to return and sort things out."

Somehow that pulls a large weight off of Percy's shoulders and he releases some of the tension he hadn't realized he'd been building up. 

"What do I do til then?" he ask.

"I imagine not much," she replies. " It would cause an uproar if the other students were to hear of this."

So as Professor Mcgonagall ushers the boys back to class, Percy is left alone in the office. He stares at the photos on the wall and after a short he realizes that the photos are moving. No not the photos. The old men in them move around as if they are on a tv screen. He gets up and walks over to the nearest one where he begins to check for chords or plugs. There are none. It is as light and non-electrical as any painting. 

He is started out of his search, by a loud "Hey! Stop that!" 

He jerks away and looks around, fully ready to apologize, but the room is just as empty as it was before. He turns back to picture to see the gruff old man in it glaring at him. Right at him.

"Um hi?" he ask hesitantly.

"Well aren't you rude," the man replies back causing Percy's eyes to grow to the size of balloons.

"Ah," Yep another brilliant response by Percy Jackson. "Sorry?"

He has backed up to the door now and promptly escapes through it. He has dealt with monsters, titans, giants and even a crazy earth goddess, but talking paintings? Nope. He's drawing the line there. No more moving stairs or talking things-that-shouldn't-talk. He is so done. 

Out in the hall he tries to remember which way they had come, but to no avail. On a guess he goes left. Bad idea. Turns out not everyone has class, because he quickly runs smack into a white haired boy. Percy bounces back rubbing his nose which had taken a full on collision with the other guy's forehead. The other guy isn't so lucky. He ends up sprawled on his butt.

 "Bloody hell! Watch where you're going!" The boy sneers as he stands, dusting off his pants. He is wearing a gray sweater vest over black dress pants with a black cloak on top. The only spots of color are the green stripes on his tie and a green emblem with a snake over the breast of the cloak. His skin and his hair are nearly the same bleached color and his eyes are a washed out, forgotten blue. For an obvious reasons Percy is reminded of Octavian.

Percy narrows his eyes. "I was going to say sorry, but now I kinda wish I had pushed you harder."

So maybe not the best way to make new friends or, like he is supposed to, stay hidden, but hey scrawny bossy kids get under Percy's skin. 

The boy's eyes widen. "Who do you think you're talking to?! I'm --"

"Draco." It was Professor Snape again. Oops. "Don't you have class?"

Draco grins, Percy forgotten. "It's a free period professor. I was just going to help Hagrid." 

Percy knows he is lying and apparently so does Snape. "Mr. Malfoy your potions have been quite inadequate as of late. Perhaps you should go study."

His glare is like poison . Draco nods quickly, mumbles something about doing just that and runs off the way he came. Percy is almost sad to see him go, because now Percy is the only one for those unsettling eyes to fall on.  They are like lasers cutting through a peice of steel. Ouch. 

Percy starts to turn away. " Uh I better get to class."

"Where are you going dressed like that?" When Percy turns around Snape has his eyebrow raised. "You need robes if you are going to class."

Dun Dun Duuuuunnnnnn 

So yeah pleaze pleaze pleaze comment and tell me what you think. Also let me know what you think will happen next.  Who should i put in the next chapter? 

Picture of Snape off to the side :) enjoy 

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