Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Are we there yet?" I admit it, I was being childish.

I couldn't help it. One thing that did amuse me greatly, was that I was annoying Scarlett. No, this wasn't the only question I was asking her. But, knowing of her abilities, she probably already knew every single question and thought my mind pondered on. She, after all, could read my mind. I sighed in annoyance; I was still having a hard time overcoming the whole 'I'm not human' thing.

"If you ask me one more time, I will not hesitate to snap your neck," she snapped at me snippily.

My mouth clamped closed right away. I knew I didn't have to worry though; Thorin wouldn't be far behind us. Even though he promised he wouldn't follow us to the queen, I knew he wouldn't actually do what he promised. That still didn't stop my anxiety though. I rubbed my hands on my pants, since the sweat on them was getting out of control. What was a Chosen? It obviously had something to do with the Chosen Forest, that's all I knew.

"Alright, we're here." She sighed loudly, looking very uncomfortable here with me.

I looked around at the scenery. It seemed darker than the rest of the forest, but it still looked the same. What were we doing here? I looked at Scarlett expectantly; she had to know something, but I didn't know if she was going to tell me.

"I know this is probably confusing you. Of course I know." She laughed humorlessly. "Everyone in this world has a Chosen. Not every one finds them, or knows of them though."

"Will you just tell me what a Chosen is already?" I was getting impatient and she was just making it worse.

She hushed me. "A Chosen is an animal designed just for its rider. The animal could be anything, well as long as it's big enough for battle and a human to carry. That includes fantasy creatures, to you anyways. These creatures are already known to all of the Elinye."

"Do I have one?" Alright, I felt stupid asking the question, since it was an obvious answer.

I just had to make sure though. Just because I was put in this world for some crazy reason, didn't mean I had a Chosen, right? Shrugging to myself, I look at Scarlett closely and wait for her answer.

"Why do you think I took you here? In order to be at your best for the battle, you need to train. Most anyone who goes in battle has a Chosen. At least in the past, that is."

I pondered on it for a moment, "How am I going to find mine?" I raised an eyebrow at her, almost not believing her.

I am accepting the fact that I'm meant to be here. There was no more running. I was going to face my problems as they came. I knew I wasn't getting back home for a very long time, if at all. If the Piercingwings predicts that I'm going to save them, I will. I'm not having my quiet and shy personality anymore. That was long in the past, and I think I realized that a long time ago.

"The easiest way is to let your mind call to it. Just call your eyes and think about an animal. You won't know what it is until it comes, but that will be very soon."

I was a little confused at what I had to do. Regardless, I tried anyways. My eyes shut tightly closed and I tried to picture the animal that was attached to me. My mind wouldn't go past the biggest thing I could think of, a wolf. I secretly hoped it was a wolf, but I could say one thing. I was not in any way prepared when I opened my eyes.

A strong wind blew in my face, and it was not gentle. It was mixed with an unpleasant smell. The flapping of wings came closer until it completely stopped. Short breathes blew in my face, and I was honestly scared to open my eyes. I snapped my eyes open anyways, letting out a loud gasp. I tripped on a twig and crashed to the floor. I didn't bother to pick myself up, just stared at the creature in front of me.

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