Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I was still shaken from what had happened just a few moments ago. Even though he was trying to get me to stay, it just made me want to leave greater. The boy, whom I'm guessing was a worker, was leading me back to my room.

I still was shaking; my body couldn't physically stop. I've never been this frightened in my life. I honestly felt bad for the guy who was leading me back; I don't think he knew how to deal with me.

His hand was on the small of my back; it was quiet. I could already tell he was shy, just from the short time I had known him.

"Ms. I doubt that the king had meant to scare you. I don't think he even knew he had frightened you," he commented shyly, opening the door to my room.

It felt as if I weren't fully there. It was still hard to believe I was in my dream world; in another dimension. I came to the conclusion that these people, that I supposedly created, were not human.

It was the only explanation I could come up with. With the way that man had acted and plus the eye color change, they couldn't be human. My mind was about to explode from all of my thinking.

The boy led me over to the bed that I had slept in, gesturing for me to sit down. He weakly smiled up at me, holding up a finger.

"I'll just run your bath; would you like bubbles or salts?" He rubbed the back of his neck, looking embarrassed.

By now I had calmed down quite a bit; my shaking had lessened. I squeezed my eyes shut, remembering his face full of rage. I blinked away the disturbing image.

"No," I murmur, stuttering slightly.

He quickly nods, rushing over to the bathroom. It was still odd having someone do everything for you. At home, I had to do everything. I didn't mind much, but it got exhausting.

When I had lived with my parents, there is no other way to put it; they were lazy. Before I ended up in this place, I hadn't been going to college for too long; only about a month.

Now that I think about it, how am I supposed to get my work done? How am I supposed to have a normal life if I'm stuck here my whole life? All that money I had saved up, down the drain.

Just because this place looks like London, I doubt it was anywhere close. It was probably just designed to look like it and have the same currency. Well, they never did tell me what kind of money they used. It could be something that doesn't actually exist.

The boy walks out of the bathroom, jerking his head towards the door, "Your bath is ready," he gives a curt nod before quickly walking out of the room.

I furrow my eyebrows together; that was a little weird. Then again, everything is weird here. Sighing loudly, I stumbled on my feet. I could barely walk; I'm so clumsy sometimes.

Once I walk into the bathroom, I slip my clothes off. I shivered before sinking in the warm water. It was nice to be alone, finally. This whole thing was confusing me.

At the thought, I remember when I first went into that horrid room. I don't think I could escape it though; I was pretty much dragged inside by an invisible force.

When I first went inside, wasn't there riddles I had to solve? I wracked my brain for them. The first one was about the lost souls. Those when enter are lost souls. How was I a lost soul? Maybe it doesn't mean that directly.

I had my whole life ahead of me though, so why would it choose me out of all the people in the theme park? Also I'm kind of glad that I didn't go out with Collin. I didn't want to be stuck with a cheater. It would only end in worse heartbreak.

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