Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It was just the next day; here I was packing. They had given me a suitcase yesterday; it was honestly ugly. I wasn't looking forward to this at all, I think everyone knew that. But it would be nice to get out of this place.

Being the romantic guy he is, Phoenix had already told me where we were going. His parents had picked out a beach house, but it wasn't just the beach. Behind the house was a forest.

I had no idea of what to think about all this. Later I had learned a little bit more about this portal thing. Turns out you had to think of the place before going; it could be anywhere. But like he said, it had to be a private secluded area.

I really didn't know what to pack but I made sure I had everything. Trust me, I over pack when I panic. It gets annoying, really. It all adds up in weight.

A soft knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. I spun around, almost dropping the suitcase in the process.

"Come in," I sigh, biting my lip softly.

The door opens, revealing the young and innocent boy that I had forgotten about. Alex smiled brightly, flinging himself in my arms before I could do anything.

How a person could already be attached to me when I had only known them for one day was beyond me. I smiled fondly down at him, shaking my head and laughing softly.

"Hey kid, what are you doing back here?" I was tugged down as his arms wrapped around my neck.

I almost toppled over but I managed to regain my balance. He squeezed me tightly before letting me go. Now that I think about it, where had he gone for the last few days?

"I just wanted to see you again," he shyly smiles, kicking his feet together.

Before I could even talk, the door burst open. A frustrated looking Phoenix stomped into the room; looking like a five year old. Alex cowered behind me at seeing his facial expression.

"You are-" he stopped mid-sentence, now noticing the small boy that hid behind me.

A small smile lit on Phoenix's face, "Alexander, what are you doing in here?" He shook his head, "Sylvia is busy," he spat out my name like it was the worst name in the world.

Alex slowly stepped out from behind me, gripped onto my shirt tightly. He started mumbling things, but I knew that we both didn't understand a word he was saying.

"Speak up, buddy," he sighed gently, not wanting to frighten him even further.

Alex cleared his throat, "I just wanted to see Princess Sylvia before she left," he murmured quietly, looking at Phoenix through his lashes.

This seemed to annoy Phoenix; he rolled his eyes and sighed loudly. What did I ever do to him? I got thrown into another dimension and everyone knows me. Plus, I got two people who absolutely hate me for no reason.

"She isn't a princess, Alexander. Anything but one," he scoffed, "Go back to where you came from. We're leaving," Phoenix ordered, making the poor boy scurry out the door.

I cringe away from Phoenix; even though he is attractive, I couldn't help but to be afraid of him. If he could do what his father could; I was in deep trouble.

"Are you done packing?" His voice is as cold as ice; he clearly didn't want to go.

I got the feeling that he blamed everything on me; I don't know why though. It wasn't my choice really; he needs to grow up.

"Yes, just about. How about you?" I quirk an eyebrow, trying to keep up on conversation.

I wasn't a normal girl; I knew that much. So far, this place has changed me. This world was changing me; but for better or for worse?

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