Laxus x neko! child! Reader

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Requested by @PsychoticProxy

Laxus came back to town from a job late. He was tired and just wanted to pick up Y/n from the guild and go home.

He arrived at Fairy Tail. Something was up since the guild was quiet. "Maybe everyone's out drunk," Laxus thought. He then glared. "If they did something to Y/n..."

Inside, the guild was a wreck. Tables were flipped. There were puddles of water on the floor and colorful marker streaked the wall. Broken bottles littered the floor. The guild members were passed out on the floor.

Laxus walked by Natsu and Gray who had marker all over their faces. Lucy and Levy's clothing were soaking wet and a spilled bottle of shampoo was near them. Erza and Mira had scratches on their skin. Cana and Juvia lay either asleep or unconscious. Food stains covered their clothing. Even the Thunder Legion was down for the count.

Makarov sat on the bar. A little girl with h/c cat ears was burrito wrapped in a f/c blanket fast asleep.

"What the hell happened here?" Laxus asked.

"Y/n happened."


Laxus left early hoping it would be better. Y/n typically cried when he left for missions so maybe if she didn't see him, things would work out better. It was just a short mission so Laxus would be back later in the evening. Needless to say, it didn't matter.

Y/n was still upset.

"Come on Y/n. Eat it. It's good." Juvia tried to get the child to eat. Y/n turned her head swatting the spoon out of Juvia's hand.

"Watashi no otō-san hoshī!"

Juvia sighed. "I have no idea what you said." Cana walked over.

"I know. Only Laxus and master can understand her." Cana grabbed a new spoon. "Eat the food you brat. You hadn't eaten anything all day." Y/n turned her head. Cana grit her teeth. "Y/"

"Please eat something," Juvia pleaded.

"iie!" Y/n kicked Cana's hand.

"Ow!" Y/n then threw the plate at Cana and her cup at Juvia.


For twenty minutes, Levy and Lucy chased Y/n around the guild and almost lost her in town trying to make her take a bath. 

Elfman caught her but nearly let go of her because Y/n bit him. Lucy managed to get her clothes off and put Y/n in the tub. Levy set out her pajamas.

However Y/n kicked and splashed making a huge mess. Lucy had to hold her while Levy washed her body. Y/n then pulled Levy into the bath. She spilled soap on the floor so Lucy slipped when she was putting Y/n's pjs on her.

Y/n blinked looking down at the to girls. "Nee, daijoubu desuka?" She didn't get a reply from either girl. A grin appeared on Y/n's face.


"Time for bed," Erza said sternly.

"iie!" Y/n shouted running away. Erza chased after the girl. Mira tried to grab her but Y/n scratched her hands leaving red marks. The cornered her but when Erza picked her up, Y/n scratched her face.

They tried several tactics to get her to bed. It soon became guild effort, but everyone fell asleep before Y/n did.

Y/n found her markers and started drawing mustaches, unibrows, and whiskers on Natsu and Gray's faces. She then felt drowsy.

Makarov covered her with a magic blanket used to put infants to sleep. He sighed looking at the destruction Y/n caused around the guild.

Flashback end

Laxus shook his head sighing after hearing all that Y/n did. He picked her up cradling her in his arms.

"Next time, I'm just going to take her with me."

You readers seem to really like the neko! Child! Oneshots. I feel like I should just make a whole book for them.

-iie: No
-Nee, daijoubu desuka?: Hey, are you okay?
-Watashi no otō-san hoshī: I want my dad

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