Chapter 20: Deam Caelis

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This chapter will be from the perspective of an Imperial Officer recounting the files of our current heroine and heroes (?) of Party Party, after the latest chapter.

Nox, huh? So you wanna know about the Nox Mafia... Well, the Inner City as well as Outer Town have had more than a few unpleasant run-in's with the fuckwits. From thievery, to pillaging, to black market dealings, to murder, the Nox are defientely the scum of our City. And that's what makes it even worse. Their walking among us, they could be in this very building right now. Their like a bird you can never quite catch with the naked eye.

If you really plan on wanting to understand, we'll have to start from the beginning.

The Nox are the most powerful mafia in all of Stellarium. Their members are most usually hand picked, to some it's an honour, even a privilege to join. Most of their members are ranked from the 7000000000 mark upwards, but from previous reports I've seen, it looks like they've had a bit of a wild card join the deck.

Their leader is Atlas Solani, total douchebag if you ask me. Sits up on the top all high and mighty making all his faithful lackey's do all the work. Although, that's not entirely true.

Rank: 9, 999,999,964

Age: 22

Boss of the Nox Mafia, Starla Secondary College Graduate

Wanted For: Counterfeit, theft, first degree murder, second degree murder, forced labour, possession of illegal substances, distribution of illegal substances, possession of illegal firearms, advancing an illegal group of 3 or more persons

Uses knives as primary weapons, even though trained as a marksman

Full Form is existent yet unconfirmed or documented

Yeah, Atlas is a real piece of work. Had a promising future, bright kid, met him while he was still in college with a shining new diploma and on his way to a Masters Degree. Attended a couple of his piano performances too, superb musician. What went wrong... Anyway, I've had a few run-in's with him, defientely not the type of guy you'd want to go up against by yourself. He may be all powerful, but you'd have a better chance at getting him if you take care of his lackey's first.

His right hand man is Kei Wistercraft. Yeah you guessed it, another privileged kid with too much money and time on their hands. Except smarter.


Rank: 9, 869,765,234

Age: 22

Second in Charge of Nox Mafia, Starla Secondary College Graduate

Wanted For: First degree murder, second degree murder, association with black market trade, creating armed virus's and plug-ins without qualification, use of illegal firearms, theft, digital theft, accessing government files without authorisation, advancing an illegal group of 3 or more persons

Top of the year when graduated from Starla College, whiz kid, loyal and faithful to his childhood friend Atlas

Full Form never contacted/NA

The Wistercrafts have been in association with the Solani's for decades, yet we'd never been able to drag them down for ties to the mafia. Well, that was until Atlas and Kei decided to start up their own gig. Consider them the founders of Nox. Any who, Kei is probably the smartest of the lot, doctorates degree, double degrees, master degrees, you name it. Sometimes I think that maybe if Atlas didn't go down the mafia road Kei wouldn't have followed. Hell, maybe he would've become an Imperial Officer.

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