18. Almost there

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Third person

"If you look right here these her feet, and if we move farther down here... Here's her little face." Raja's pediatrician, Doctor Hill said looking at the monitor, while Ramsey's Doctor, Doctor Neji, did her ultrasound.

"Wow she's really in there." Amir said with a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah she is. She's sleeping right now so we won't see any movement at the moment but she looks to be doing fine." 

Aubrey was in awe. This was his first time seeing his daughter. As he watched a slow tear roll down Ramsey's face, he raised his past infidelities lead him down a path that made him miss out on all of the precious moments like this.

"You alright?" Ramsey asked looking at Aubrey as his eyes never left the screen. "Y-yeah I'm great. I'm just uh, I'm just in shock that's all." His eyes became glossy making her smile. "Aww it's okay to cry." Ramsey held his hand and gave it a light squeeze. Tears made their way down his face as the sound of her daughter's strong heart beat filled the room.

"She's gotta a big head just like you." Ramsey said looking at the monitor.

"If she looks anything like her mother she'll be fine." She looked up at him with a small smile.

"Okay mom Raja looks good." Dr. Neji stopped the ultra sound and Dr. Hill wiped the gell from Ramsey's belly. "She's in the right position, so she's locked and loaded, ready to go. But when Doctor Neji did your cervical exam earlier she told me she didn't see any signs of opening." Ramsey looked at her doctor.

"That's correct, I didn't see any signs of opening which is common for woman expecting at 39 weeks."

"What does that mean?" Aubrey asked as he took a seat next to Amir.

"It means right now at this moment you might not see any signs of labor. You may even quite possibly be over due." Ramsey raised her eyebrows quickly. "Don't worry that doesn't mean anything bad that just means Raja might have a later birthday than expected, or we might have to induce your labor if you make it to two weeks past your due date." Ramsey relaxed to an extent.

Dr. Hill took the clipboard from the counter and stood next to Dr. Neji.

"Now when we took some blood earlier it came back that your iron count is very low, so we're diagnosing you with Anemia. Which is condition in which the blood doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells. We've talked about that possibility of this happening earlier in your pregnancy, and it looks like you've developed it in your last trimester. A lot of women become anemic when they're pregnant because your body is making blood for two now. Your baby is getting all the blood she needs but you're not getting as much as you used to. Which will make you feel more tired than usual, you may look more pale, or your heartbeat may even fluctuate every now and then. But since you are basically at the end of your pregnancy I wouldn't worry a whole lot about it, but if you do feel like things have changed in the next couple of days, please do come in so we can do some tests to make sure everything with you and the baby are all good. I'll prescribe you iron supplements along with a refill or your prenatals to treat the symptoms of anemia. Besids that, that's pretty much it. Do you have any questions?"

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