4. Please...

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I will be unpublishing a few stories on August 25th so they can be edited and all that good stuff. The stories are: "The Bodyguard", "Make It Home Tonight", and "Home". If you are currently reading any of those stories finish them before the 25th.

Thank you.

-Abby ♡


"Fuck it." Ramsey said kicking the Balenciaga sneakers from her feet. Wearing shoes that had to be tied went on the list of things she couldn't wear. She had ordered those shoes months ago and they finally came in the mail but now she can't even bend over to put them on. Everything was harder at nine months and Keith went back to Chicago since he had been in New York for a week.

"Raja you need to hurry up and come out you're killing me." Ramsey said slowly standing up from her couch and holding a hand under her huge belly with the other hand on her back. "Just a couple more weeks Ramsey. You can make it." She waddled to the kitchen to get something to eat. "C'mon don't have the hiccups right now." She stopped walking and put a hand where the baby's head is. Her feet became tired from standing there and her back was hurting to bad to move.


"Maybe we'll have a seat here on the floor for a second." I sat down on the floor and fanned myself.

That's a damn shame I can't even make it to the fuckin kitchen without sweating. Indigo came running from the living room with one of his toys and laid between my legs. "I can't play right now." He dropped the rope and sniffed at my stomach. Raja hicupped again making him bark. "She's gonna be here soon." He laid his head on my stomach like he always does.

I looked it up and dogs are protective over pregnant woman. I just hope that he's not gonna do something to the baby once she gets here. Indi already barks and sniffs at my stomach so I'm just worried he'll try to hurt her when she's here. Cause I don't wanna have to get rid of him.

"Why is your ass on the floor?" I snapped my neck to see Anthony standing there with Ashlynn right behind him. "Shut up. I'm down here cause my feet hurt and I'm tired." I forgot they were coming over after work. They always come and see me when I'm not at work.

"You shouldn't be leaving your door unlocked and shit. Someone could she bust in." Here he goes. "Oh hush and help me up." He came into view and held both his hands up so he could pull my big ass. "Thank you." I said hugging him once I stood up.

"I brought you some food. I would stay but I gotta take Tyler to his dad's house." Ashlynn rolled her eyes and put the plastic bag on my kitchen counter and gave me a hug before leaving. She lives around the corner from me and she helps me out a lot since I can't do shit but sit around.

I'm off work till Raja gets here. My doctor doesn't really want me up and moving to much. He wants me on bed rest but with Raja I'm always having to run to the bathroom to either piss like a rushing race horse or throw up. I haven't had any morning sickeness my whole pregnancy but every time I smell something like tomato sauce or lemons it's over. Like I'm blowing my damn guts out every time. I'm hoping that'll change before she gets here.

"I'm mad you're ass ain't at work. I don't got nobody to protect me from Keisha anymore." I took the bag of taco bell to the living where Anthony was scrolling through my TV channels. "Maybe If you start coming to work on time she wouldn't be yelling at you." He shook his head. "I have my own schedule. I come in when I want and I do my eight hours even if I'm there till two o'clock."

Anthony thinks the world revolves around him. I tried to tell him about himself a few times but he doesn't listen.

"I'm surprised she ain't fired you yet." He laughed. "She couldn't never do that. What other nigga gonna do what I do? I be giving females all over the world five start advice. She couldn't fire me even if she wanted to." I opened up the nacho box lid and opened all the hot sauce packets and poured them on. For these past two weeks I been wanting nothing but taco bell and spicy shit. I know the wise tail about spicy food will kake your baby hair but that's the risk I'll have to take. "That's because she likes you."

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