14. Unexpected guest

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"Aubrey no. Don't do it. You can figure this whole Vincent thing later." Ramsey said stepping in front of him as more cameras flashed around them. She placed a hand on his chest and he snapped out of it. "C'mon." She grabbed his hand, leading him in the building.

Aubrey tried to drop the news that he just received and made an attempt to put a smile on his face.

"Lady's and gentleman the parents of this lovely baby have walked into the building." The DJ said as they made it further into the building where no one could see them. Ramsey stopped in the hallway before they got into the room and looked at Aubrey.

"You okay?"

Aubrey nodded. "Yeah I'm just nervous. You're whole family and everything is in there and I hate to say it but I'm a little scared. Then I just got hit with that shit outside. I'm trying not to let that distract me from the baby shower."

"Well you're not completely alone. I know 40 and Chubbs are here but I flew in a few others too." Ramsey said giving a smile. "Don't be scared to go in there just stay by my side and hopefully Keith will leave you alone." She said as she adjusted the chains around his neck so they were even. "Are you ready to go in there?"

Aubrey nodded as she grabbed his hand again. He opened the door for her and she walked in as screams of excitement and loud cheers filled the room.

Ramsey gasped as she saw all the decorations and all the people who came. It to be at least one hundred people here. Mostly her family, people from work, and a few celebrities she's made friends with through Aubrey.

Ashlynn lead them to the head of the room where two gold throwns sat front and center so everyone could see them. She was hosting the party since she couldn't help to much with planning the baby shower.

"Welcome to Ramsey and Audrey's baby shower everybody!" Clapping filled the room even louder since they still hadn't quited down. "There will be no drama tonight, let's keep everything positive this evening." Ashlynn said pointing to the obvious elephant in the room regarding Aubrey. "This is all about the celebration of Raja Alia Graham who actually can be here any moment now. So before we get started with games and all that if you brought gifts or anything of the sort. There is a some what empty table over there to your right to put them on. After that you can get food and come up and congratulate the expecting parents." Everyone clapped for Ashlynn's introduction as she gave the mic back to the DJ.

People instantly came up to them to congratulate them and of course to feel Raja kick around in there. She was up and full of energy since all the cheering had woken her up.

"You want something to eat?" Aubrey asked with a light laugh as he watched Ramsey watch someone make their plate. "Yeah. Ask who ever that is what's on their plate because it looks good." She said trying to figure out who it was.

"Okay." Aubrey got up and went to the food station to make her a plate as requested.

"Shit it looks like if you sneeze to hard lil baby gone fly right outcha." Keith said taking Aubrey's spot.

"Shut up with your ignorant ass."

"I'm just playing with you. But you are huge. I just seen you last week and you wasn't this big."

"I know right. She started dropping a couple of days ago and my stomach just grew over night, literally. I can't wait for her heavy ass to come out already." Ramsey said tucking one leg under her trying to get comfortable.

"You ain't got to much longer. You have what? A week left?"

"Yeah I hope she comes a little sooner but Aubrey says he wants her to get her by the date but each day gets closer to the due date she's making me more uncomfortable." She rubbed the spot where a Raja was moving the most and rubbed it gently.

"Speaking of lil yellow he been acting right since he been here?"

Ramsey laughed. "Yeah he came down here a could of days ago I think and he's been fine. We haven't argued or anything. I'm just kind of letting the past go until Raja gets here so I'm not stressed out. But after she gets here... He knows what's coming for him."

"Let me handle him. You don't need to be doing nothing that's going have you all rattled up. Your crazy ass might fuck around and kill his ass. Just because you all of a sudden have become this "nice" person over the years don't mean old Ramsey ain't still in there. Don't forget you almost killed Riza's ass last year."

"Yeah I forgot about that. You know... Even through all that... Through all the arguing and shit talkin... I wish she was here to celebrate this with me. She's my older sister and all my other family is here but she's not. But I know if she was here she'd try to make this all about her and this is about my baby." Ramsey said watching her dad and Reagan laugh at something on his phone.

"You can't help but to feel that way, sh is your sister."

"Yeah you're right."

They talked for a little bit more until Aubrey came back trying to balance two plates and a cup in hi hands.

Ramsey took a plate and the cup from him so he wouldn't drop anything.

"What's up nigga?" Keith asked as he  moved of his chair. Aubrey sat down and gave him a head nod.

"Wassup with you?"

"Nothing much just finished talking to my buddy over here. Me and you have to talk real soon." Aubrey chuckled showing him he was unafraid. "Yeah... I know. Just let me know when."

Keith gave him a sly grin. "I might want it to be a suprise." He walked away and went back to the table where Ramsey's immediate family was sitting.

"When you become a G?" Ramsey asked becoming slightly impressed by how boldly he talked to Keith.

"I've always been one. What you mean when?" He handed her a plastic fork from his pocket and then dug into his own plate.

They enjoyed the food Ramsey's mom had made and continued to be congratulated by a line of guest but Ramsey's attention became fixed on the tall figure that walked through the door. She already saw there was no empty seats in the room, and those that were empty were reserved for Aubrey's family that currently were on their way from thr airport.

Who else could've came and how'd they get past security? She thought as she gives her aunt Macy.

Ramsey kept her eyes on them as she watched this person hug Keith like they were old friend. She watched as Keith pointed to her from across the room.

Now I really need to know who this is.

The person had a hood on their head making it harder to see their face as they got closer. Her mom jumped out her seat and kissed the person's face as they tapped on her shoulder. As hey minds arms wrapped around their neck the hood fell from their head and Ramsey's eyes got wide.

There stood the man she left behind in Chicago the same day Aubrey swept her off her feet. The same man who never left her mind. The same one she broke up with to chase behind Aubrey.



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